Thursday, July 10, 2008

this is an outrage. i can't stop won't stop.

i've barely blogged at all this summer, though not for lack of spare time. work's been going alright i suppose. some days are better than others. i'm averaging about 32 hours a week, four eight hour days...though i only get paid for 28 of those hours. it's nice though because it's not quite full time, but more than part time. this week and next week i'm only working three days a week. i'm finally starting to get into the swing of things and to the point where i'm a little more comfortable with selling and all that jazz. i'm finding that i know how to do most of the stuff now, whereas before, i was always asking a ton of questions. plus, i must say, this job does pay really well. though it's near impossible to earn commission, especially as a divisonal employee. i've asked a ton of people if they've made commission, and none of them have. but, the 10.50 an hour is more than enough. i read in the sammamish review that qfc was hiring 'courtesy clerks' for 8.25 and i really have no reason to complain.

it was my birthday a few days ago. i don't feel any older. nineteen is kind of an in between age. eighteen is huge because you're half way legal. at twenty, you're not a teenager any more. and obviously at twenty-one, well, you know. so, it's great to be one year older, but not much has changed. i got some sweet gifts though. i got an amazing little speaker for my ipod. the sound quality is so good and portable. i also got zelda for my DS which i've been playing a lot in my spare time. then i also got psych season 1 on dvd, which is one of my favorite shows. ooh and i got two of these fantastic scarves from wet seal. honestly, no words can even describe them. they are spectacular. and i got some itunes gift cards, so i spent those right away.

on that note, the maine's new album, can't stop won't stop, came out on tuesday, july 8th. it is so wonderful. i've been listening to it non-stop since i bought it on tuesday. capital lights' album, this is an outrage, also came out on tuesday. i've only listened to it a couple times, but it is also really good. it was the first full-length for both of these bands, which is exciting. i have to memorize the maine's album though because i get to see them again on july 14th, which is only a few days away. i am so freaking excited to see them again. i saw them in spokane while i was at school. i was really loved their ep, but i fell even more in love after i saw them live. plus, they were seriously the sweetest guys i've ever met...just genuinely happy to meet their fans and so appreciative of each and every fan. that quality is very rare in bands these days, especially once they start to get more popular.

it's weirding me out to think that i go back to school in less than eight weeks. it's odd. there's a part of me that wants to never go back. and then there's another part that is really excited to go back. i think the excited part is thinking that i'm actually going to get out of my little bubble next year. freshman year kind of helped me learn what not to do at college, haha. such as, only hanging out with like two people for the first two weeks, and then by default, the entire year. i'm excited for some new freshmen, and i'm going to really try to make an effort to make friends in all my classes. and, i must say, i am really pumped to be living in ballard. i think it will be a much better living environment for me. it just feels like home when i walk in there....probably because it looks like a house, with a cute little living room type lounge, a fireplace, and home-y staircases. haha. it doesn't feel like a dorm, and i like that. plus, i'm excited to meet some new girls and also hang out with the guys in mac.

i've started running again, which is awesome. for some reason when i got home from school i had this phobia that people would see me if i went out. i also used the excuse that i was just too tired from working all day (which was partially's really hard standing on your feet for eight hours a day). i finally went out for a run a few days ago and it felt amazing. i just love listening to my ipod and running until i can't go any more. i'm going to try to go a lot more.

the new batman movie comes out soon, and i'm thoroughly excited. i've heard that it's really dark, but really amazing. i mean, come on, it's christian bale and heath ledger. how could that be bad?! and i'm really glad that they replaced katie holmes as rachel. i really don't like katie holmes.

oh, i forgot. i did a painting the other day. it's not quite finished, i still have to paint on the words. it looks nothing at all like the vision i had in my we'll see how the finished product looks. if anything, i'll just paint over it later or throw it away, haha. it felt good to paint something on my own time, and to paint what i wanted...instead of a to scale painting of the painting studio or a life size self portrait. goodness, that painting class was so horrible. i'm really glad that i changed my major...i might be losing my mind if i was still doing graphic design.

i suppose i should go to bed. i do have to work tomorrow, though not until 11:30, which is really nice. i like the 11:30-7:30 shift because then i don't have to open and i don't have to close. i can just go, work, and leave and not have to deal with the opening or closing the register and all that crap. i'm surprisingly not that tired right now, even though i didn't go to bed until about 2:45 am last night. i'm sure once my head hits that pillow i will be out like a light. peace.

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