Wednesday, July 1, 2009

it promises to be a good birthday.

my summer's almost half over. it's weird to think that i've been home for six weeks already. that's probably because without a job, i've felt useless. i applied to twelve places and have interviewed at two places, but didn't get the job at either. though, i'm almost glad the second place that i interviewed at did not give me the job because i would have died working there. they just seemed so concerned with appearance and style - more concerned with looking the part than actually having good qualities as an employee. a place that shallow is not a place that i want to be working. i'm still hoping that another store will call. at least i'm housesitting soon, which will get me a little money to tide me over.

this weekend should be pretty exciting. the fourth of july is on saturday, which i love! me and alissa are going to go watch the fireworks on the plateau. yes. i know that's totally lame, but at least it'll be fun to go together. i don't really know what i'm going to do the rest of the day, but something will come up, i'm sure. and then sunday is my birthday! in four days, i'll no longer be a teenager. that is weird. but, 20's not a very exciting age. i wish i was turning 21, but not because i want to drink. i don't care about that at all. mostly, i'd just like to be able to go to 21 and over shows! i don't know how many times i've wanted to go to a show and i couldn't because it was 21+. so lame. oh well, that's still only one year to wait. plus, i'm going to see nevershoutnever and the ready set on my birthday at el corazon! that should be a blast. there are rarely shows on my birthday because it's right after a holiday. boys like girls are also playing, but i don't really care about them. i saw them last summer with the maine. they were pretty good, i just don't really care about seeing them again. it promises to be a good birthday.

two more months at home, and then it's back to school. i'm so excited to go back! i can't wait to move into the brand new dorm. and honestly, i'm excited for all my new classes. when i tell people i'm taking physics in the fall - by choice, they think i'm out of my mind, but i can't wait! physics was my favorite science in high school. i just hope that i don't regret my decision to take it.

i'd really like to find a place to horseback ride while i'm home this summer. i miss it a lot. it's been almost two years since i've ridden on a regular basis. it's crazy to think that that part of my life was so important to me for so long, and now it's been absent from my life for two years. hopefully i'll find a place soon!

i got my hair done last week. finally! i hadn't gotten it cut since march and it had grown so much. i tried to dye my own hair before i got it cut, but just ended up messing it up so hardcore. so, i decided i would just get it colored when i went to get it cut. of course, when i looked up the salon online to find the number to make an appointment, i realized the guy who cut my hair last time (which was amazing) was not at the salon any more! so, i went stalker-status and googled his name! luckily, it linked to his twitter so i contacted him on there, which worked out perfectly. i got an appointment two days later. and now, my hair looks bomb. i got quite a bit cut off and it's the shortest i've ever had it, but i love it! and the color looks amazing. it took three hours to do, but it was worth it!

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