Wednesday, December 2, 2009

I like wishful thinking, at least for a while.

I just finished writing an essay on social media, which made me want to come blog, even though I have nothing exciting to blog about.

Thanksgiving provided me with a much needed break for a few days. I was nearly losing my mind having not had a break all semester. I promised myself I wasn't going to do any homework or studying over break, and I kept that promise. Admittedly, it wasn't very hard to do. I was able to get my hair cut and colored while I was home, which was so nice! It's really short right now, but it has some red it in and I'm loving it. Plus, it's extremely manageable when it is short like this. I was able to go to bauhaus twice while I was home, though I didn't make it to victor's at all. At least I'll be home again in less than two weeks so I can go then. I went shopping on black friday for the first time. fail or win? Well, it was a lot crazier than I expected, but I found some good deals, so I think it was worth it in the end. Also, I was able to go back to slave to the needle to get a shorter stud for my monroe which was much needed. Now it doesn't stick out awkwardly or catch on my gum, which was extremely annoying. Thanksgiving meal was satisfying, though it's never been my favorite. I don't really like turkey, or the whole concept of eating one giant meal and then feeling lazy the rest of the day. It was still fun though, and my family watched White Christmas like we do every year. I mostly like Thanksgiving because it is the beginning of the Christmas season for my family. I don't allow myself to listen to Christmas music until then, so it's very exciting to be able to break out the holiday tunes finally. Listening to Christmas music while studying helps to motivate me and remind me that I only have to tough it out for a couple more weeks until I'm home in lovely Seattle again.

Of course, the fact that I have two weeks left is a very daunting prospect at this point in time. This is mostly because I have two major projects, in addition to multiple tests and papers - not including the finals that at the end of all that. I'd much rather have a month in which to complete all of this work, but I have just over two weeks. Both of my projects are due on Tuesday, which means this weekend is going to be hell. Maybe I'll get lucky, and they'll actually be super easy. I like wishful thinking, at least for a while. It keeps me sane, makes me able to take things one day, one step at a time. I am so ready for these classes to be over though. Well, for the most part. I hate my probability and statistics and physics classes, but I absolutely love my publicity and consumer behavior classes. Unfortunately, my hatred for physics outweighs and good feelings I have towards other classes. I can't wait for it to be over. I'm just praying that I'll pass. I'm not too worried.

I have already done some of my Christmas shopping, which is kind of a miracle. I already know what I'm getting for my sister, and then I only have a few more presents to get. I'm normally so behind on all this, so I'm feeling good. My break doesn't start until December 18th this year, when it's normally much earlier than that, so I only have a few days to make my last minute present purchases. Oh, and my sister wants me to play guitar for her to sing at the Christmas Eve service at my mom's church. I kind of want to throw up thinking about it. I haven't played guitar in front of more than eight people, so thinking of getting up in front of hundreds makes me sick. I hate performing, but I know it will be rewarding in the end. It doesn't help that I pressured my sister to figure out exactly what we were going to play when we were home for Thanksgiving and it's still not set in stone. So, we're going to have about five days to rehearse and get it down completely before we have to perform in front of hundreds of people. kill me, please.

I feel kind of bad that I'm writing this in the coffee shop right now (while listening to Forever The Sickest Kids' new EP, which is amazing, by the way!). There ig a guy sitting right next to me at the bar with all of the stools, despite the fact that there were at least ten open chairs along the bar. I feel like it's kind of weird to choose to sit right next to someone when there are that many open seats, especially since I had books and stuff spread around me to work on my essay. So, back to the reason I feel bad. I have typed this whole thing, and my keys are not very quiet. It's not like I'm pounding on them, but they do click kind of obnoxiously and I'm typing quite fast. I'm afraid I am bothering him. But, let's be honest, if he's annoyed, it's his own fault for awkwardly choosing to sit right next to me when all of the other seats were empty.

I haven't been to a show in a while, especially one that I might consider a "high energy" show. I've been dying to see Artist vs Poet again, but they haven't come up to the northwest recently. I miss going to shows all the time, especially since I went to so many over the summer. I have gone to quite a few since the semester started, but not a lot of upbeat ones. I'm hoping I'll get to see The Classic Crime over Christmas break. They're playing at the showbox on december 18th, which is the first day of break. I'm just praying I'll get home in time to go. I pretty much have to go because, well, it's The Classic Crime, and because they are playing with Moneta! I haven't seen Moneta in almost a year and a half. This makes me so sad. But at the same time, I am kind of angry with them right now. Apparently two members left the band - two original members, who I used to get tickets from. In fact, I still have their numbers in my cell phone haha. There was no kind of announcement on the band myspace or anything - new pictures were pasted over theirs. It just upsets me that they'd treat the situation with such nonchalance. But, I do still love them, so I'm willing to give the new line-up a chance.

I only have 16 days until I am home again for two weeks. I can't wait to get out of this cold for a while. It is truly horrific!

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