Saturday, March 27, 2010

Finding God in the wind blowing through my hair on a sunny day.

I've been working on living my life with no regrets, absolutely none. I think that's really the only way to be happy with life. I find that I spend way too much time wondering what could have, would have, might have been. So instead, I'm trying to say "yes" to any opportunity that comes my way. I rarely find myself saying "I wish I hadn't done that." If I hardly regret actually doing things, why would I say no? Of course, I don't mean that I'm going to say "yes" to drugs or anything that could be potentially harmful. I'm referring to things like hanging out with people I don't know very well, or going to a party where I may not know a lot of people. It's hard for me, being relatively shy around new people, but I'm trying hard to stay open to new opportunities.

This is the end of my wonderful spring break. It's been so great to be home. I got to go to all of my favorite places - el corazon (it's a love/hate relationship) to see Copeland and Deas Vail, Bauhaus three times, victors, pike place, olive garden, panera, chipotle. It's been relaxing. I also went to the park on Wednesday and sat on the swings for almost an hour and a half. It was super sunny out, so I just sat there thinking for a while. I also discovered this great little crepes place in Seattle right by Bauhaus called Saley. It was so cute! There was just one lady working there, but I got a sandwich and a sweet crepe for only $12! It was a great lunch. I spent a lot of my break in downtown Seattle this week, which was nice. It only rained for two days that I was home, so I was able to enjoy some nice sun. I don't want to go back to Spokane. Sometimes I wonder why I decided to go to school so far away.

The older I get, the more I've realized something: I see God in everything. I'm much more likely to find God in the wind blowing through my hair on a sunny day than in some building full of lukewarm Christians. I can see Him in the mountains in the distance, in the budding spring trees, in the rain hitting my window as I fall asleep, or in the outstretched road ahead. I've learned to appreciate the beauty in the little things.

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