Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I even get to play roller coaster tycoon.

So guess what? My computer most definitely crashed again. This time I lost everything I hadn't backed up. Let's just say I hadn't backed it up in a solid couple months. It was so fantastic. Right now, Vista won't even run on my computer. It installed all the way through but refuses to load. At least Ubuntu is working, and I'm loving it. I think whenever I get a new computer, I will dual install so I can use Ubuntu as well as windows or the mac os, depending on what I end up getting. I feel like there's so much more you can do, and there are a bunch of free programs that are super easy to download. And, you don't feel like your computer is going to blow up because of downloading things.

I am currently in the midst of midterms. I already had two midterms today, neither of which went as well as I was hoping they would. But who knows, maybe I did better than I'm thinking. Then tomorrow, I have a group sales presentation. It doesn't seem like it will be too intense, but I hate any and all kinds of public speaking, so I know I will get nervous for it, as much as I don't want to. After that, I have to lead another marketing study session for the class I'm TAing for, and then the rest of my week will be wonderful. I even get to play roller coaster tycoon in my product and pricing management class. why? Who knows! My professor claims there's some sort of educational aspect to it, and we have to do some sort of write up, but he hasn't really told us what that is. I'm just excited because I haven't played that game in years! I remember when I was younger, I would make the roller coasters super intense so everyone would throw up when they got off. Oh, the joys of childhood.

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