Monday, February 1, 2010

Everything in my power to make it happen.

Jan term is over and spring term starts tomorrow. Part of me is super excited to start new classes. Well, that's not true. Most of me is excited to get started. The other part of me wishes I could just stay at home in Seattle and be done with this back and forth business.

I'm going to get an appointment this week at the career center to work on my resume. I am going to try to get an internship at a record label this summer in Seattle. There are a few I'm looking at and plan to apply to. I'm going to do everything in my power to make it happen, and the first step is putting a resume together. It's kind of stressing me out because I don't have much that I can put on it. Since the only thing these labels will look at is my resume, I'm worried that I won't even be considered. But, like I said, I'm going to work with what I've got and see if I can make something happen, since this is my passion. It's what I want to do with my life, and an internship will just help me get there. And, of course, help me learn a ton about the industry.

The thought that I'm only a year or so away from finishing college is extremely overwhelming to me. I've got three semesters left, including the one that starts tomorrow. It's exciting and scary. I kind of just wish I could skip over the awkward after-graduation phase...the looking for a job and a place to live phase, and cut right to the having a job that pays enough for me to live in downtown Seattle with a cat and maybe a roommate or two phase.

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