Saturday, January 16, 2010


I've been impressed by this anti-winter that Spokane has presented to me. Right now, in the middle of January, I am wearing jeans, a tank top, a relatively light hoodie, and flats without socks. I mean, honestly, could I have asked or wished for a more perfect winter? I normally dread coming back to campus after Christmas break, back to the cold and snow, back to being stuck on campus because of my car that's incapable of dealing with snow or ice. I was fully expecting to have to bundle up each morning, strap on my snow boots, tie a scarf around my neck, and put gloves on my hands. We've only had a couple days below twenty degrees, and for the last week or so, it's been in the high 30's. I couldn't be happier. I fully believe that seasonal affective disorder exists and I've most definitely experienced it in the last two winters in Spokane, but not this year! I'm happy as can be, and don't want janterm to end.

It's awfully nice to only have one class at a time. Even though I have the same class every day for three hours, it hasn't gotten boring yet. I'm so glad I chose to take this psychology class. Sleeping and dreaming are subjects we don't normally spend much time thinking about. We all do it - everyone on the planet, and yet, it's something most people don't know anything about. Even the research I'm reading is still a lot of speculation, but it's interesting nonetheless. My yoga class is going great also. It's a much more intense workout than I ever imagined! My muscles are getting tested like I never would have believed. My quads literally got killed today. My legs are still like jello from the workout four hours ago, but it's a good feeling. I like being active, doing something to challenge my body. I'm also really flexible, so yoga was definitely a good choice.

I'm in the process of writing my first and last paper for my Sleep and Dreams class. I'm writing it in argument of Freud's theory that our dreams are really a way for us to fulfill wishes, that is, unconscious wishes that we don't know we have. Not to mention the many arguments against this, it's pretty obvious to me that I don't secretly have a wished to be chased or killed. I hope my paper turns out. I haven't found any really useful psych journals, so I'm hoping I'll be able to find some sources.

I don't want janterm to end. There's less than a week and a half left, only six days of class. I really like the people in my class, and it's just such an interesting subject! Though, I must admit, I am excited for most of the classes I'm going to be taking in the spring. I was finally able to get into the photoshop class. I haven't really used the program since junior year of high school, so I'm hoping I enjoy it as much as I remember. I'll also be taking a few business classes, and a 100 level communications class, which will be my one easy class. Then of course, I have guitar lessons and radio class, which are two one-credit classes. I'll be much less stressed than last semester without physics in my life. That class was crazy hard, and I had to devote so much time to it. Plus, I had a three hour lab that I won't have next semester.

It's starting to become real that I'm almost done with college. Well, I mean, I still have some time left, but there are only three semesters until I am done. I'm trying not to think about it, since I have no idea what I'm going to do after college.

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