Monday, April 19, 2010

All of my technology is friendly to me.

There are 26 days until the semester is completely over! I'll be coming home on may 14th or 15th. The most exciting part is that I get to move most of my stuff into the house that I'm going to be living in next year. I am unbelievably excited to be living off campus next year. I'll get to cook my own food, have people over (not that I can't do that right now) and have roommates while still having my own room. Plus, I feel like living off campus is the step between campus and graduation/living on my own. I'll still be in school and probably working on campus, but I'll be starting to pay my own bills and cook my own food. I'm so excited! I don't know most of my roommates super well, but I think that will be kind of fun. I'll get to meet all sorts of new friends since we're in completely different circles of friends.

Even though there are only a few weeks of school left, I'm super overwhelmed with everything that I have to get done in the remaining class time. I have at least three major projects to do that I have yet to start, in addition to more reading, and a lot more tests. But, I'll get it all done somehow. I always do.

Another reason why I wish the school year would last longer is my fear of summer. I applied for 5 internships and have now applied for 14 jobs at various coffee and retail places. I haven't heard back from any of the internships - not even to recognize that they received my application. It's frustrating because I want it so bad! I worked really hard on my resume and cover letters, so to have it not pay off - at all, is really discouraging. I'm still hoping that I'll hear back from one of them, since it's still relatively early. I've gotten two calls so far from the 14 job applications, one of them didn't pan out because they need someone right now, and I'm still in the process of getting back in contact with the other place that called me back. I don't want to be out of work like I was last summer. It was pretty much the lamest summer of my life. I had applied to 12 places with no luck. I'm hoping by upping my number this year, I'll have better luck. I still want one of the internships more than anything though. I'm just going to have to keep praying about it.

In other news, I got a new cell phone yesterday! My other phone has been having charging issues for about a month now. I've been having to ghetto rig the charger to my phone with rubber bands in order for it to charge. But then it randomly started turning off or restarting, or not sending text messages when I wanted it to. Then one day it randomly turned off in the middle of the night, so my alarm didn't go off and I ended up missing two classes. Lesson learned: always have a back up alarm. So anyway, it finally crapped out on me and stopped charging completely on friday, so I was without a phone for three days. It was surprisingly more inconvenient than you'd think it would be. So Sunday I decided I couldn't wait any more so I went to the Verizon store. They were characteristically unhelpful as per usual. I ended up picking the Motorola Devour, and I have to say that so far, I am in love with it! It works marvelously. The touch screen is a thousand times more responsive than my old phone (a crappy Samsung Glyde), and it runs on android, which is awesome. I've already gotten a few free apps, but haven't explored the selection too much yet. It's just nice to have a phone that I don't have to fight with on a daily basis. Now all of my technology is friendly to me - my lovely new macbook pro and now a new phone! I am a happy girl.

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