Wednesday, February 13, 2008

1/8 done

this week is going by amazingly fast, which is wonderful. last week just seemed to draw out like no other, so it's a much needed and accepted change of pace. classes are going well, though i'm only in the second week, so who knows how i'll feel in another month. i think right now my favorite class is probably sociology. it's really ironic actually because initially i was taking that class because it satisfied the "social science" requirement, and it sounded like the best of all my options. it is surprisingly very interesting, which i could partially credit to having an amazing professor. who knew that learning about human behavior could be so interesting? i never would have guessed it. i think the thing i like about it is that he doesn't just stand there and lecture the whole time. usually every class we watch a news video and discuss there's usually a lot of discussion throughout the entire class period. even though i am not one to speak up in class, it's a lot more interesting to listen to 20 people talk throughout the period rather than just one.

my math class is really wonderful...or something. it so easy - finite math for social sciences. today we learned about budgeting and taxes, which has really made me realize that i don't keep good enough track of my money. rebecca let me put her microsoft money on my computer, so i'm starting to work on a budget so i can see where all of my money is actually going. it's not like i just spend, spend, spend. i'm actually really good and not impulse buying and watching my pennies, it's just that i don't keep a good enough watch on exactly how much i'm spending on things like coffee, or dining out. i think it will be really beneficial to me, especially when i get another job.

it weird for me to think that i'm already 1/8 done with college. it's kind of crazy to think about it in that sense. after this semester i will be 25% done. done. done. but then i'll be thrown violently into the real world, in which i will have to get a job and find somewhere to live. i don't really want to think about it.

i absolutely cannot wait to get my car over to spokane. it's gonna be amazing. i'm so excited to be able to go to starbucks to get coffee instead of at the school coffee shop. and it's gonna be nice to do my homework there. it will just be really mentally helpful to be able to get off campus and out of the pinecone curtain more often. not to mention, now i can easily go to more shows, which i've been missing. there haven't been a ton that i've missed, but some good ones like holyfield, anberlin, and straylight run have been sacrificed.

tomorrow is valentine's day, but i like to call it "single's awareness day". but honestly, i don't care at all. to me, it's just like any other day of the year. although, it's probably going to be kind of annoying to see people walking around with roses and crap. oh well. it's really just a hallmark holiday anyway. and seriously, i don't care that i'm single. in fact, it makes life a lot easier. i have more than enough love in my life from god and family.

i've really been missing my puppies recently. i used to take bubba practically everywhere with me besides school. i would take him along on any short trip. i really miss that. it was really nice to have a little buddy to bring along with me. it kind of amazes me how much i can miss little animals that can't even talk.

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