Friday, February 15, 2008

it kinda made my day

i got two packages yesterday, one from my mom and one from my sister full of chocolater. it kinda made my day. getting any mail that isn't school distributed makes my day. today i got a letter/disney mints (the BEST mints) from my other sister. it included a condensed list of our inside jokes. i was literally laughing out loud (not obnoxiously, of course) in the coffee shop while i was reading it. it just brought back so many good times...and some not so good, but hilarious times. like over christmas break, me and rachel went to see a movie with our parents. they made us go to the theatre to reserve seats while they got popcorn and drinks. when we were walking to our theatre, we hear this "RAAAAAAAACHELLLLLLLLLL" booming across the lobby. we turn around and everyone in the lobby is starting at our dad. we just start cracking up like no other, like i could barely stand because i was laughing so hard. it's funny how things change when you get older. a few years ago, i would have been mortified, but now, it's just absolutely hilarious...mostly because i knew i probably wouldn't know anyone there, and if i did, we don't go to the same school any more so i'll never have to see them.

my math class was cancelled this morning. it kinda made my day. it meant that i got an extra hour or so of sleep, which definitely made me a happier person. though, i was in such a routine of getting up at 8, that i kept waking up afraid that i was supposed to be awake or in class already. it was kind of stressing me out, actually, but being able to go back to sleep knowing i didn't have to be in class was a great feeling. i don't know, i never have to get up super early. my first class isn't until 9:20 on monday, wednesday, friday and at 9:30 on tuesday, thursday. I never get up earlier than 8, unless i have to go to the hub to get breakfast instead of eating in my room. i've actually been pretty lucky not having an 8:00 class....unlike rebecca who has had one 4/5 days of the school week both last semester and this semester.

me and emilie are going out to dinner and then to see fool's gold tonight. i hope it's good. i really just can't wait to get off campus. plus, the downtown area of spokane is a lot nicer than the area whitworth is in...still sketch, but not quite as much as here. i really am not a sane person if i don't get off campus at least once a week. i get really stir crazy.

once i get my car here, i'm going to try to find a place to ride. the lady that i talked to way back in october offered me a care lease on her horse, which i cannot afford at all. i emailed her to see if i could at least come ride a couple times a week once i get my car here, but she hasn't emailed back yet. the only downfall with it is that it is about a half hour away. if i could find a place closer, it would be ideal, but it's harder to find places to ride for free when it's not a single horse owner. barn managers or people who run lesson programs are less likely to offer free riding opportunities, even if it is with naughty horses. i think that will really make me a much happier person to find a place to ride. honestly, even just a place where i can go hang with the horses would be better than nothing. who knows, maybe i'll be able to find a part time job teaching lessons or doing barn work. that would be awesome.

as my sociology professor would say on fridays while we're getting ready to leave: "don't drink and drive."

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