Monday, July 21, 2008

shafted in a sense.

this summer has not been what i was hoping for, and i only have about a month left. i have gone to a few really good concerts, and i have some more good ones coming up (like tomorrow...the classic crime, moneta, holyfield, and new heights!). i guess i just feel like i've been shafted in a sense. some people that i thought i would be hanging out with, i haven't seen hardly at all. i feel like i am everyone's last priority, like no one wants to see me. trying to arrange anything is like pulling teeth, and it shouldn't have to be like that. i've barely done anything fun. i'm just working and then on my days off, i sit at home doing nothing. i hate it. part of me really wants to go back to school right now, but then i think back to last year and how lonely i was all the time. i'm afraid that i'm setting my expectations for next year way too high. i keep telling myself that i'm going to make all of these new friends this year, and i try to convince myself that it won't turn out like last year. i just don't know what i can do differently to change it. i tried so frickin hard to make friends last year, but to no avail. my whole situation is just really frustrating. i thought that at least when i came home for the summer, my old friends would want to see me and spend time with me. i've barely seen any of them. i just don't know.

1 comment:

Robert E. Morgan, Jr. said...

My mother always told me, "Your best friend, is that person you see in the mirror every morning!" I hope you enjoy your last month of summer.