Thursday, August 7, 2008

something to feel a part of.

so much has happened. i went to holyfield's last show on july 22nd. i'm not gonna lie, i actually started tearing up when tony said it was going to be their last song. i just didn't want it to end. i think overall, that band meant more to me than any other. i don't know if i'd go so far as to say that they changed my life because i'd probably sound a little too obsessed. but really, they kind of did. about three years ago, they were the first local 'emo' band that i saw. [which really i can owe to barcelona because the first time i saw them was with barcelona]. immediately, i was hooked. because of holyfield/tysen, i started to go to more shows and get more involved in the local music scene. it gave me something...something...something to feel a part of. it made me feel like i was a part of something really awesome, that not many people knew about. most of the local bands whose shows i frequent are much better than a lot of the crap you hear on the radio. these bands deserve to be heard. they deserve to have fans. plus, they all have a passion for music. most local bands don't make enough money to do it for a living. they do it because they love to play music, and i love to listen to it. there's just something about being smashed in with hundreds of people who have the same interests as you. it brings people together for a common cause. plus, most bands are super nice to their fans and really want to meet all of them. i'm extremely sad to see holyfield break up, but there are others. some will fade, and more will emerge. people probably think it's lame to get all emotional over some band, but to me, they weren't just a band. they represent so much more - a change in my life. i've found something that i can't live without. and for that, i'll be forever grateful. not to mention, i've decided that i really want to work for a record label some day doing marketing, graphic design, or web design type stuff. i want to be involved in the industry.


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