Saturday, August 16, 2008

ohh, that name, edward cullen.

the twilight saga is the greatest series i've ever read. there should be a warning label on the cover that states something along the lines of "more addictive than crack cocaine." it would be impossibly true. in a matter of a little over one week, i read twilight, new moon, eclipse, and breaking dawn. pretty much all of my free time was devoted to reading, including all of my breaks at work. many nights i found myself awake until three in the morning because i could not force myself to stop reading, to put it down. it was impossible to turn the page and not keep reading. it really is like a drug. it's been really nice to have something to distract myself from my own life, this summer. i had such high hopes for the summer, and they just sort of fizzled out to nothing. this past week has been the best of my entire summer. i can't even put into words why twilight is so amazing, it's something you have to experience. i thought that i could never be more obsessed with any series more than i was with harry potter, but i've met my match. it's getting to the point where the obsession is almost, it's definitely unhealthy, but i don't care. i hate that i came across the series so late in the game, after the fourth and final book was already written. the amazingness came into my life and a week later, it's over. luckily, stephanie meyer is writing another novel called midnight sun, that retells the twilight story from edward cullen's perspective. ohh, that name, edward cullen. before i read twilight, i did not understand the obsession with him, i could not comprehend. after reading the first book of the series, i understand, and i am completely and utterly taken by the character. despite his being a vampire, he's pretty much the perfect man. plus, he doesn't seem much like a vampire because he's a 'vegetarian' and so is the rest of his family. i honestly think that every boy on the planet needs to read the series and learn. he's just so in love, and he knows how to show it. seriously, it's bad how in love i am with a fictional character. aaaand, the movie comes out november 21st [previously the release date for HP 6, which was moved to summer 2009] which will only make my obsession worse than it currently is. oh well. everyone on the face of the earth should have the pleasure of reading twilight.

i go back to school in exactly sixteen days. ugh. i have such mixed feelings about that right now. i'm ready to go back to school, to learn, to study. i am, however, not ready to go back to living in spokane, the nasty city it is. that sounded kind of derogatory...but i really do hate it. a lot. the downtown area where there is a big mall is kind of a nice area, but i just feel really unsafe in spokane. there's more crime there, at least it feels like it. i know there are creepers in seattle too, as there are every where, but i don't feel unsafe simply walking down the street in downtown seattle. i always feel on edge walking around spokompton. there's a reason people call it spokompton, after all. i guess i should at least be happy that it's a big city, and not some place way out in the boonies like pullman or something. blah. i don't know. at least my classes this semester should be good. i'm excited for them. and there at least a few people that i'm excited to see, despite my utter lack of friends.

i started jumping for joy around my room the other day. i just couldn't contain myself. i discovered, that this providence and a rocket to the moon are going to be coming to spokane on september 20th at the big dipper, which is a really small all ages venue. i've never been there, but they just reopened it, and it is supposedly ridiculously tiny, which will make it soooo much fun. i absolutely love both of those bands and i was sad that i wasn't going to be able to see TP for a really long time. i'm so happy. plus, it's the day after barcelona plays another free show at whitworth. not that i want to take all the credit for getting them to come play last year...but it was kinda my doing...considering i was the one that recommended them to Vi, the activities coordinator and gave their manager her name and email. apparently the show was such a hit that whitworth is bringing them back again this year. i feel so proud of my accomplishment, hahaha. and so modest too.

i have a headache, and i just realized why. i haven't been wearing my glasses all day and i've been staring at the computer screen for at least two hours now. actually, i've been squinting at the computer screen for two hours. sometimes i forget that i have horrible eyesight. i guess i should stop frying my brain now and get some sleep. i have my last day of work tomorrow. at least, as of right now, it's my last scheduled shift, and i'm going to put my two weeks in tomorrow, which i should have done at least a week ago. oh well. it's my own fault. they can't really force me to work, since i pick my own shifts. plus, i'm most likely going to get my lip pierced tomorrow night as a celebration, haha, so they wouldn't want me working anyway, since i'm not allowed to have any piercings besides ridiculous.

good night, loves.

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