Tuesday, October 14, 2008

high school musical and an assortment of treats.

i went home last weekend and it was utterly fantastic. both of my sisters were home and alissa was home so i got to hang out with all of them. i went home thursday night and skipped classes on friday. luckily, i only had two and one of them had a test [which i took early on thursday...thanks professor sartell! haha] and the other was just a lecture, which i can get the notes from. the drive home wasn't too bad. i didn't get too tired, which was nice. i was really worried that i'd have a hard time staying awake. i listened to both disks of dane cook's retaliation, so that took up some time and definitely helped keep me awake. otherwise i just listened to music. it was actually really nice to just have that time alone out in the middle of no where. it gave me time to think about things - time that i just don't have when i'm at school and constantly thinking about what needs to get done for all my classes. i got home and watched the office...alone. no one was home to greet me, but i forgave them all for being jerks. then me and rachel and chelsea talked until 4:00 in the morning. that's what happens when we haven't all been together in a month and a half. i slept until 1 pm the next day, which was a little ridiculous. i was kinda mad at myself because i didn't want to waste any time like that. friday night we went out to dinner at a place in china town...it was amazing. i hadn't had really good chinese food in a long time, in fact, just thinking about it is making my mouth water and i'm not even hungry. then we went to claim jumper for dessert, which is fantastic as always. i realized then that i wouldn't have time to go get some legitimate coffee on saturday, which meant that i would have to go friday night. i wasn't about to come home to seattle and not get a real latte. so, after dessert, me and belin went to the bauhaus at like 10:45 and stayed there and chatted and read the stranger until about midnight. then of course, i stayed up until almost 3 am doing nothing of real importance. Saturday, i had to wake up at 8 so we could leave for leavenworth by 8:30, which of course we ended up not leaving until 9:15. we drove out to leavenworth, but stopped by lake wenatchee for a little while to take pictures and such, which was really fun. then we drove by the alps store, which is a tradition. we took a sister portait like we did when i was like four years old. it was quite fun. then we finally got to leavenworth, by which point we were all starving for lunch. but, octoberfest was going on, so there were crazy masses of people, and it took a while to find a parking spot. we finally parked and go to the restaurant, where we waited twenty minutes for a table, then got the worst service i have ever had at any restaurant ever. it was horrible, but the food wasn't too bad! i had to be home by about 6, so after we ate, we only have about a half hour to walk around leavenworth, which wasn't much with all the crowds. it was kind of a wasted trip, but it was still fun.

when i got home, i drove over to alissa's to have dinner with her and her mom and grandma. then i took her to ktub to see her first local show. we went to see madison drive, new heights, city in the sea, and hot donnas. they were all really good...hot donnas weren't really my style, and they seemed like they hadn't really matured as a band yet - like they didn't really know what to do on the stage. otherwise it was really fun. i loved madison drive. i've been trying to get to one of their shows for the longest time, and i'm glad i finally got to see them. it was quite sad though because there were only like twenty people left when they came on. it was still fun though. plus, their new guitarist is hilarious, but kind of awkward. haha. afterwards, we went back to her house and watched high school musical and ate an assortment of treats. it was a fabulous time.

unfortunately, i had to leave home around noon in order to get back to school so i could work on homework. yuck. the drive back was a little more difficult for me. i listened to brian regan, which helped. though, coming back to school this year is not as hard as it was last year. especially towards the beginning of last year, i felt really homesick a lot, but didn't really know why. this year, i still have days where i get home sick, but for the most part, i'm happy to be out of the house and out on my own. of course, i miss my puppies, tully especially, and the cats, oh, and my amazing bed, but i'm much happier at whitworth that i was last year.

a rocket to the moon's new ep came out today. i bought it on itunes and it is simply wonderful. it's only five songs, which makes me sad, and i had listened to two of the songs on his myspace a LOT, so only three of the songs are really new to me, but i still love it. plus, i just got a bunch of new music from my sister, so i've been enjoying all of that.

goodness gracious, i've got so many good concerts coming up soon! i'm not sure if i'm going to go to this one, but forever the sickest kids is playing at el corazon during fall break. the real you is playing here in spokane right before fall break. then i'm going to see the maine [my favies!], mayday parade, and all time low on november 7th in seattle. ivoryline is playing in spokane on november 11th, classic crime is playing spokane on november 22nd, then barcelona is playing spokane on december 3rd. its so crazy! last year i felt like no bands were coming to play here and this year there are so many. i love it!

i've gotten into a horrible sleep schedule. i usually go to bed around 2 am. then i get up super early [7 am on mon/wed, 8 am on tues/thurs/fri] and am completely exhausted. i'm so exhausted that i have to take a nap after my classes in order to get anything done. then, i usually have coffee around 7 or 8 at night while i'm doing my homework to keep me awake. then of course, i'm not tired enough to sleep until 2 again. it's really bad, and i can't seem to break it. if i could manage to not take a nap one day and not have coffee, i might be able to go to sleep at a normal time, but i'm too tired to get anything done when i try to do that. ugh. it's horrible annoying.

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