Tuesday, November 18, 2008

i'm almost 3/8 done with college.

i'm supposed to be studying for my core test that i have on friday, but i have an utter lack of motivation at the moment. i also have a design project due tomorrow that i have to finish and an accounting test on thursday. this week blows.

i signed up for my spring classes today. i'm pretty excited about them. i'll be taking macroeconomics, writing for mass media, international business, managerial accounting, yoga, ice skating, marketing and radio. it's 18 credits, so i'll be pretty busy, but i like to be busy. if i don't have enough classes, i have too much free time that i just end up wasting. plus, yoga and ice skating are both half-semester classes so they are both over before spring break. then the second half of my semester will be more chill cause i'll have 6 less class hours a week. wow...that's a lot. i'm excited though. i don't dislike the classes i'm taking right now, i'm just getting a little sick of them and i'm ready for a change.

the end of this semester means that i am closer to my jan term trip to new york and DC. i absolutely cannot, cannot, CANNOT wait. i am so excited to see new york and i've never been to dc either. also, i will be in dc when obama is inaugurated into office. i don't know if i'll be able to go to it, but just being there while a new president comes into office is a really cool thing, especially because i love obama and i'm super happy he won the election. it would have killed me to see sarah palin in the white house.

i go home for thanksgiving break in exactly a week from today. i can't believe it has come up so quickly. after break, then i have a week and a half til i come home for christmas break. it's all happening so fast. this semester has completely flown by. i think i've definitely settled into whitworth this year. i don't know, last year was such a difficult time for me and so many things were new, plus i didn't really make any friends. i was just not happy here, but this year i feel so much more at home here. i still wouldn't call it 'home' necessarily, because i am a seattle girl in every sense of the word, and i could never call spokane 'home'. it's more of a temporary living situation. i can't wait to move back to seattle after i graduate from whitworth. i'm almost 3/8 done with college. ahh! part of me wants to be done with college so i can just start my life, but there's another part of me that wants to just stay in college forever so i never have to face reality. because, in all actuality, college in unlike any other experience, but it's not like the real world.

i wish there were more emo kids at whitworth. and more emo bands in spokane. maybe i just need to find some people to turn into emos. haha. i wish. i miss my bands back home. it's been too long...even though i get to see the classic crime on saturday! ahh. i can't wait. they are seriously, not joking, one of my favorite all time bands, especially to see live. they have one of the best live shows i've ever seen. they are headling the tour which means a really long set and lots of songs from the new album, that i'm in love with. they're playing with artist vs. poet, who are also really good. they had an ep come out today, but i'm too poor to buy it...maybe i'll buy it at the show on saturday.

also, twilight comes out this weekend! i really want to go to the midnight show, but i have a core test on friday morning. i could probably go to the midnight showing and be fine, but i think i'm going to do the smart, responsible thing and just go see it on friday afternoon. plus, then i won't have to deal with the utter mayhem that the midnight showing will entail. i just hope the movie's good. i'm a little worried, but i have hope. though, i love robert pattinson, so even if it sucks, at least i'll have been able to stare at his beautiful face for two hours.

for serious, i cannot concentrate. turkey and pumpkin pie are calling my name...

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