Friday, December 5, 2008

it was pure bliss, as my memory recalled so many great moments.

it's friday. another week is in the bag. i go home on wednesday, which i can't believe.

i saw barcelona on wednesday night. i went alone, which was quite depressing. for the first three bands, i just sat in the back and texted people and listened to the music. there were a ton of people there, and i felt like everyone was staring at me, the loser who was sitting alone. it was pretty miserable. the worst part was, all the opening bands were really good, but i couldn't enjoy them cause i was wallowing it a pit of pity. once barcelona started, i decided to stand up and move closer so i could actually see. they were amazing, as always. they played a new song that i had never heard. it was really beautiful, but extremely sad. it was so nice to see them again. it's only been a few months, but they just never get old. ever.

i had my guitar final on tuesday. i am going to miss that class. paul was so chill and was a great teacher. i learned a lot, for only having about ten weeks of class. for our final, we could play anything we wanted...literally anything. i chose to play 'what child is this?". i also planned to sing, which i was super nervous for. i had never sung in front of people before. ever. i know i can at least carry a tune, but i definitely do not have a great voice. i sang three verses of the song, and i didn't mess up at all. at least it was a really informal performance. we didn't even have to stand up in front of the class! i might try to take the intermediate guitar class next semester. i really want to keep learning, and paul is teaching it again, so i know it'll be amazing.

last night, i went to bed at 9:00. i got twelve hours of sleep, on a school night, which is basically unheard of at college. for some reason i was exhausted and it was too late to take a nap. i had no homework that i had to do (i always have things i can do) so i decided that i may as well use my time well and get a good night's sleep for once.

lost starts again in january. i absolutely cannot wait! that show is so fantastic. i watched a preview on and got really excited. i hardly remember anything that happened in the fourth season, so i think i'm going go try to re-watch seasons three and four over christmas break. i love it.

the new moneta EP came in the mail yesterday. it made me so happy. i literally smiled when i opened my mailbox and saw the package slip sitting there. i knew immediately what it was. there are a couple songs on there that they've been singing live for the longest time, but had not released a recording of. i walked really fast back to my room and ripped the package open. then i had a little dance party all by my lonesome to some of my favorite songs, like 'no surrender'. the first time i heard that song, i thought it was so epic, and listening to it just brought back to many happy memories of a bunch of shows i went to. i just sat and listened to it all the way through without doing anything else at all. it was pure bliss, as my memory recalled so many great moments.

finals week is next week, though i only have two days of finals. i leave to come home on wednesday, while most people don't get to leave until friday or saturday. there's something about the time around finals week that just screams 'drama.' for some reason, the most stressful time of the year for college students is also the week that carries the most drama of any week in the year. why is that? well, it sucks. a lot. and i just wish that we could all just get along perfectly and never have any problems. but if we never have problems, it wouldn't really be 'life.' oh well. i get on a plane in 5 days and i can go home and relax for three weeks.

i've been sort of reclusive lately, and i'm not quite sure why. last night there was a christmas party in my dorm, and a bunch of people went. there was a gift exchange, cookies, and plenty of christmas cheer. i was in one of those moods where i don't want to be social, especially the fake-kind, where you have to put on a face and be all bubbly and happy and talkative. ya know? so i didn't go. at all. i stayed in my room and then went to bed at 9:15pm. that's the earliest i've gone to bed all year. then i slept for twelve hours since i didn't have class until 10 this morning. then earlier today, i took a nap for an hour, when i really shouldn't have been tired. and now, i have nothing to do tonight, so i'll probably end up going to bed early (well...early for a friday night is midnight). i hate this.

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