Friday, December 26, 2008

vanilla lattes with fluffy foam and pretty designs.

sometimes i get in a mood where i just have to write...anything at all that comes to mind, however ridiculous or random it may be. here is the result:

i have horrible balance, and therefore, cannot do any sports that involve any sort of 'gliding' action, such as ice skating, roller blading, and skiing. i hate front of people. i don't mind it when i'm alone. if i won't dance somewhere, it means i'm not comfortable enough. i like wearing glasses, even though some people see them as a blemish of the face. i think they're cute. i'm horribly insecure, and god, do i know it. i've been working at it. sometimes i get the feeling my friends don't like me, don't want to spend time with me. it happens a lot, and i don't know what to do about it. i wish i could draw. i have a love for shoes that is not quite at obsession status yet. sometimes i think life would be much simpler to be living in a situation like "lost," of course, without the smoke monster and the 'others.' i love god, but sometimes i wonder, does he really hear my prayers? or, more importantly, does he listen? it makes me sad that sex holds no meaning any more. wearing a favorite hoodie can make my day ten times better. and on the opposite side of the spectrum, a bad hair/wardrobe day can make my day ten times worse. i'm learning to love [some] screamo music. i'm a sucker for vanilla lattes with fluffy foam and pretty designs. i miss the feel of riding breeches and paddock boots. i even miss the bucking fits and biting horses. i miss the days when dressing up for halloween was cute and wholesome. i've always tried to journal, but could never manage to keep it up for more than a few weeks. i can't stand it when people wear their backpacks on one shoulder, though i must admit, i did when i was seven. music makes me happy, when nothing else can. if all else fails, at least i can play it loud enough to drown every thing else out. i like changing my hair often, whether it be the color or the cut. i get bored too quickly. i love the color yellow because it's bright and cheery. i want to impact someone's life. i'm not going to go so far to say that i want to change the world, but if i can truly impact one person's life, i'll be satisfied. i have no desire to skydive or bungee jump. i don't thinking risking my life for a quick thrill is really worth it. i wish people didn't have to change. i wish people wouldn't 'grow apart.' i hate being shy, and i hate confrontation. i avoid it at all costs. i don't like to bring up touchy subjects because i always just want everyone to get along and be happy, which is never the case. i love little inventions like the apple slicer. i'm really over this right now. the end.

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