Monday, February 16, 2009

two more years and i'll really be kicked to the curb.

i wish whitworth didn't disrespect the presidents. i love the presidents, but mostly because they have a holiday which usually results in the cancellation of classes. not at whitworth. apparently, we answer to Jesus, and not the president, so we don't celebrate their holiday. how lame.

it's only the third week of the semester, and i'm already over it. luckily, there's only five weeks of ice skating left since it's only 1/2 semester long. it's not an unbearable as it was, but i don't look forward to it, by any means. i have noticed that i'm getting better, it's just not quite at 'enjoyable' status yet. i'm not convinced it will ever get to that point. i guess i will reevaluate in five weeks.

sometimes i wish i knew the future of my life. not necessarily how i will get there, just what the end result will be. the rest of the in between stuff can stay a secret. who will i marry? where will i work? how many kids will i have? where will i live? these questions seem to occupy my thoughts more often than they used to. is it because i'm "growing up" now? two more years and i'll really be kicked to the curb. i'll really have to start a career. i'm not scared of the responsibility. it's just a scary thought to be completely on my own.

i need a hair cut badly. i haven't had it cut since thanksgiving weekend. it's too long and the layers are all growing out. the longer it gets, the longer it takes to straighten it every day. i want to wait until spring break so i can get it cut at a salon in bellevue, but i don't know if i'll be able to wait that long. it's already driving me crazy.

naps have been my savior this year. i'm gonna go get saved.

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