Tuesday, February 17, 2009

trying to get my headache to subside.

it's currently february 17th. housing sign-ups for next year begin on april 15th. that is nearly two months away, but the topic is on everyone's mind, and i feel like it occupies every conversation. It's stressing me out beyond belief. do i want live on campus or off campus? and more importantly, who do i want to live with? i have offers on both sides, but i just don't know what to do. there is a major part of me that does not want to disconnect myself from the whitworth community just yet by moving off campus. i fear that if i live away from campus, i'll only be there for classes and will lose some of the friendships that i've made. plus, i don't want to deal with commuting to class every day. on the other hand, i'd love to be on my own in an apartment - i'd be able to cook my own meals and live the way i want. i'm ready to live on my own, that i know for sure. i just don't know if i'm ready to give up the 'college life' of living in the dorms and in community with everyone. it's definitely something you only experience once in life, and i may as well enjoy it while i can, right?

i just don't know what to do. technically, i have time to decide - two months to decide. but everyone's making decisions now and i feel pressured to make mine.

yesterday was not a good day for me. for some reason i was just really down and i'm not quite sure why. it happens once in a blue moon, and yesterday was it. it was weird. i finished class and went and ate lunch. we said goodbye to our prefrosh (who was super sweet) and then i pretty much just hung out in my room. at like 6:30, i came back to the room to chill and got a horrible headache, and i never get headaches. i laid in bed for two hours listening to music, staring at the wall, and thinking - trying to get my headache to subside. it never did. i met jared and kristina to go watch heroes, but we couldn't find any where to watch it. so i came back to the room and then left to go return a movie to videomatic. it was actually good that i had to return the movie - driving clears my head better than anything in the world. i pretty much did nothing until 11:30, when i decided i should at least get in bed and try to fall asleep. i was completely restless and the last time i looked at the clock was at 3 am. i'm feeling slightly better today. yesterday was just an anomaly that i don't understand.

i started the third week of ice skating today. i fell on my butt. it hurt (mostly my ego), but the worst part was that when i tried to get up, i fell again. the teacher came over asking me if i was okay. i was physically okay, i would just rather not have the teacher point out to the other thirty kids that i fell down. it was sorta embarrassing. i do think i'm getting better, but i still suck bad. at least i'm getting the credit out of the way - at least that's what i keep telling myself.

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