Monday, March 2, 2009

train-wreck of a day.

i don't want to do anything but wallow in my self pity over this horrible day i've had. the weekend was so fantastical and here's why:

belin came to visit on thursday night. naturally we stayed up til 3 am chatting. we woke up at noon and went to lunch at the milk bottle - such a cute place. i love it. then we went downtown and drove around trying to find the house from benny & joon. we weren't successful, but it was a fun adventure. then we went to the BLVD to see the helio sequence. it didn't start til nine, so it was a really late show and there were three openers. aside from the drunken mess that tried to tell us it was still mardi gras, the show was great. the helio sequence really put on an amazing live show. it didn't end until about 1:30 and we got back to the dorm at around 2. again, we stayed up til 3 chatting. saturday, we woke up at noon again, ate lunch in the cafeteria at school, and went to northtown to do some more shopping. then we headed down town, ate dinner at azteca, and went to the empyrean to see the real you. we got coffee while waiting for the show to start, which was fantastic. i was sad to see that there were literally only ten people at the show, but it was great anyway. then we stuck around for the other band, alaska and me, which was a good decision because we really liked them. sunday was nice as well. we woke up and ate lunch at school and then spent some time at river front park before she had to take off.

so now that you know how wonderful my weekend was, you will be able to fully understand the train-wreck of a day i have had.

i didn't even look at my homework until 10 pm last night, assuming i had some short econ assignment. wrong. i had a test today at 8 am that i had completely forgotten about. so i studied until 2 am, at which point my eyes were starting to close involuntarily. i woke up at 6 to straighten my hair and mentally prepare myself. the four hours of "sleep" were completely restless for reasons unknown to me. then i trudged through the pouring rain to take my test, which was an epic failure. 60 points of true/false? you've gotta be kidding me. so after that disaster, i had writing class, which was the one ray of sunshine of my day. i got a 19/20 on my first article, which is the highest grade my professor gives. apparently "20 out of 20 is perfect, and no one is perfect." then i trudged through even more rain to the hub to get some coffee and a bagel to help get me through managerial accounting. the walk to accounting was deathly in the pouring rain. i was barely able to stay awake in class and walked absentmindedly back to my dorm. i was so frustrated with my hair (which is over grown and unruly) that i started to look up hair salons in spokane because i was set on getting my hair cut today. i decided to wait, considering i'd probably end up hating whatever cut i got by some person i don't know. i laid down for a three hour nap today, which made things slightly better.

naturally, all of this would happen on a monday. tomorrow is tuesday, which doesn't make things much better because i have ice skating class. my butt still hurts from an epic fall i had last thursday in front of the entire class. if i fall on it again tomorrow, i will probably cry from the pain. i'm praying that won't happen. that would be embarrassing.

it's just been one of those days where i really want to punch someone. not anyone in particular. i just want the satisfaction of knowing that someone is sharing my pain.

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