Monday, March 23, 2009

it wasn't even that good to begin with.

life comes at you fast. isn't that the catch phrase for some commercial? it's true, though. i came home on friday night for spring break. the drive was tolerable. i was having trouble staying awake for some parts, but that's the nature of driving long distances, i suppose. i came home to an email from my macroeconomics TA about the test we had taken friday morning. apparently the highest grade was a 97%, there were only four A's in the class of 40, and the class average was 74%. i emailed her to see what my grade was. i woke up on saturday to an email informing me that i had received the highest grade in the class. it was such a great feeling. i worked so freaking hard for that test and studied for hours. my hard work paid off, for once. unfortunately, that was the end to the goodness of that day. my mom had taken tully to the vet that morning because she thought he was breathing kind of funny while he slept. it turns out he has lung cancer, and already has a quite a sizable tumor. the vet estimates that he has 8 months left. it's pretty hard to think about it like that. before, i just assumed that he was getting old, but to have a timeline to be constantly thinking about really makes it hard. so anyway, i've been spending lots of time with him, like i always do while i'm home.

on another, less depressing note, i'm finally getting my hair cut tomorrow. i haven't had it cut since thanksgiving, so it's been about 5 months, and it's getting looooong. i'm going to this salon in ballard called Vain. its supposed to be more edgy or something, so we'll see. i'm really just ready for something new. i've had the same style for a couple years now and i'm sick of it. it wasn't even that good to begin with.

it's weird being home. i've missed the area...not 'home' so much, just the area. i went to victor's today and got the best latte i've had in a good month. the bucks just doesn't compare. and to be honest, i've missed the rain...a little. i've missed watching tv. god, that seems so superficial. but it's nice to have that distraction every once in a while - turn on the tv and just relax for a half hour and not think about anything. even if there's nothing good on, it's just nice to have something mindless to do for a little while. and i can actually watch my shows when they're on, and not online a couple days later! heroes is on tonight. mmm.

jones has been spending lots of time in my room. in fact, he just won't leave. he's been in my room for the last two days straight. he'll leave for short breaks, to eat and use the bathroom, i assume. it's so weird, but nice to have a cuddly kitty. i know he's only pretending to love me because his mother is out of town for a couple days. he's using me.

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