Monday, March 16, 2009

i hide in the background of most scenes.

sometimes i feel like i'm invisible to the world. two nights ago there was a show in the hub at whitworth. the lonely forest, the globes, and keep pennsylvania beautiful. i decided to go, despite the fact that i had no one to go with. going alone is better than doing nothing on a saturday night, i figured. i stood near the back because the place was pretty packed. on multiple occasions - and i'm talking more than ten, not just a couple - people walked past me into the concert and bumped into my shoulder without a second glance. do you really not see me standing here? am i not even worth a quick "sorry" mumbled unapologetically over your shoulder? apparently not.

maybe in reality, the problem is that i try to be invisible. i don't try to fit in. that's not what i mean at all. in fact, it's quite the opposite. but, i hate being the center of attention in any capacity. i hide in the background of most scenes. does being in the background mean i am not seen at all? i worry that maybe i don't try hard enough to be seen by those around me - that, to them, i'm someone to be looked over and not looked at.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! :)