Wednesday, February 11, 2009

negatives outweighing the positives.

here is a list of all the things that happened to me that i would not want to happen during the first two weeks of a new semester:
1. i fell down in ice skating four times and bruised my wrist and knees. then i accidentally rammed my bruised knee into the corner of my desk the same day. this cause me to double over on my bed in pain and my eyes to water.
2. i caught some sort of illness a couple days ago. i have been taking three hour naps every day. my nose is runnng constantly. i even wake up in the middle of the night needing to wipe my nose. i am constantly fighting back the sneezes during class. luckily, a dear friend gave me a package of fisherman's friends, the best cough drops known to mankind. but, they don't help the runny nose or headaches.
3. there was a power outage in my dorm last night. but, of course, the power outage was only on my half of the building. the other half had their lights back after a quick second of blackness. i am equipped with a flashlight, but the batteries were dying, naturally. the power was out for about three hours before i decided to call it quits and try to sleep. then, apparently, in order to fix the problem, all power to campus needed to be turned off for a half hour. i went to sleep before that happened, but slept horribly because i kept thinking it was morning. plus, randall's light turned on in the middle of the night because of the reset, which jostled me in my slumber.
4. i ended up having to drop a class because it was going to be way to much work and my grades would have suffered.
5. my saturday night was spent alone.
6. the first cd i reviewed for radio class was probably some of the worst screamo i've ever heard.
7. I had to dig my car out of a four foot block of ice that was blocking it.
8. I realized yesterday that i haven't been to a show since november. NOT okay.

1. I bought the Hey Monday cd with a gift card. it is fantastic.
2. i am finished with class at 11:25 on mon/wed/fri.
3. my marketing class is my favorite. it's the first time i've actually wanted to participate in class. i guess that's a good indicator that i've chosen the right major.
4. i finally decorated my room after rearranging it last week.
5. my sister might come visit at the end of the month.
6. new episodes of lost, heroes, and the office are currently running.

so, unfortunately, the bad are currently outweighing the good. son of a B. at least it is already wednesday. my week is exactly half way over right now. i have marketing tonight, which i am excited for. but it also means i miss, plus and minus. i hope i will get better soon. being sick blows.

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