Thursday, January 22, 2009

i miss the people. i miss the pinecones.

i cannot believe it's already thursday. we fly back to spokane on sunday night, and i can't wait. i honestly never thought i'd ever miss whitworth as much as i do right now. last year, i would have given anything to get away, at least for a while, a weekend, anything. this year is so completely different. i still don't know if i can ever consider spokane 'home,' but whitworth is my temporary home, and i miss it. i miss the people. i miss the pinecones. i miss reading and studying in the coffee shop. i miss saying hello to people on the hello walk.

i have had such a good time on this trip and i've learned so much. i've met a bunch of new people and seen so many new places. i feel like i haven't experience DC at all since i've been here, mostly because we haven't gotten out much. we got caught up with all the inauguration stuff, and then the last two days we've had meetings all day. i'll basically only have saturday to sight see, and i know i won't be able to see nearly everything i want to see. i've basically come to the conclusion that i'll come back here some day (i don't know how soon) so i should just enjoy myself and not stress about trying to cram it all in.

this trip has been go, go, go non-stop. i'm ready for a break. i go back to school on sunday and then i get to go home for jan term break on tuesday. i'll be home for almost a week, which will be much needed. i can't wait to have some home-cooked meals. i've already told my mother that i don't want to go out to eat at all while i'm home. i've had to eat every single meal out for the last two and a half weeks and i'm so sick of it. though, i'm pretty sure i've lost some weight with all of the walking we're doing. i'm a horrible gauge of miles and such, but let's just say it's more than i've ever walked in my entire life in this short time span. it's good though, because these winter months are the hardest for me to get up the energy to work out. when it's this cold outside, i never want to put work out clothes on and walk to the gym in the snow and freezing temperatures. i'm glad to have gotten off campus for jan term because of that, but i almost miss the really relaxing time that it allows on campus.

i'm a little worried for spring semester. my schedule is sort of up in the air right now. my marketing class (that i built my entire schedule around) got moved to a night class. fantastic. so now i've been trying to rearrange things in my schedule, but now it's going to be really unbalanced. i have four classes on monday, plus yoga, so five hours of class. then hopefully i'll have marketing on tuesday/thursday mornings, but that'll be it. it's kind of stressing me out to not have my schedule set in stone going into the semester. i'm not taking a night class, but if i don't get into the other marketing class, i don't know what i'll do. i have to take it this semester.

i'm trying not to think about it. i'm trying to think about how i get to go back to whitworth on sunday and see my friends. and then how i get to go home on tuesday and relax for a week and eat amazing home cooked food. mmm.

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