Tuesday, April 21, 2009

what are the odds, right?

for once in my life, luck was on my side. my housing lottery number was 86...out of 10,000. the lottery went down last night in the HUB. i was utterly afraid that i'd end up in some horrible dungeon room in warren or the dreaded village. in my worrisome state, i even went so far to figure out that there were only a maximum of 4 girls with lottery numbers before mine...of course, there was always the possibility that someone with senior standing would want the same room as me and snatch it from my grasp. but what are the odds, right?

last night was the in-house sign up. my ideal dorm for next year is East Hall, which is brand new, so there was no in-house sign ups. but of course, i had to wait for that to end. after that, they proceeded to do quad sign ups...then triples sign ups...then finally singles sign ups. it was horrible waiting game. sitting there watching as more and more rooms got crossed off. finally, we lined up for single rooms. i was at the front of the line for the girls and Chessa was right behind me. our plan had worked - we would both get a single in East, since there were only two. jokingly, while waiting to be sent into the sign up room, i said "wouldn't it suck if some girl came jaunting in here with more housing points than us and just happened to want one of the singles in east?...but that would never happen!" i spoke too soon, because about a minute later, a girl came running in, with four housing points which pushed her to the front of the line. me and Chessa frantically asked "what dorm are you going to?"..."East," she replied. of course. at least she took the second floor single because i wanted the first floor, which was nice. unfortunately, Chessa didn't get into East, and ended up getting a single in Ballard. i'm sad we won't be in the same dorm next year, but i'm really happy that i got my first choice of rooms. i honestly couldn't believe it worked out for me. nothing works out in my favor with my horrible luck.

i'm excited for the new start this new dorm will bring for me. as much as i have loved living in ballard, and i've met a ton of new people, i'm excited to be living above ground where the sun can shine in and squirrels don't die in my window well. i'll no longer be living in an all-girls dorm (though, it's not like there is ever a time when there aren't guys in ballard). i'll be a junior, i won't have a roommate, i'll have new classes and will hopefully make more new friends. is it weird that i almost want to just skip over summer and head straight to the fall? maybe it's because the thought of summer just holds stress right now. i don't know where i will work, or if i'll be able to find work at all. if i can't, i will seriously lose my mind sitting at home all day every day. i won't have a ton of friends at home during the summer, though i'm happy to be returning a place where i can see good shows on a regular basis. it's a good-bad situation.

who knows? maybe i'll meet some new people at shows this summer. i really need to make some friends that are into the same kind of music as me so i don't have to drag people along with me. it'd be a much better situation for everyone involved.

i just realized that my fingers are hurting. i thought for a quick second that it might be due to typing so much, but then i remembered how i played guitar for about two hours yesterday. that'll do it. i'm so glad that i started playing guitar this year. i took the beginning class in the fall and i'm taking the intermediate class right now. i'm so sad that there isn't an advanced class that i can take next semester! i think i might try and take lessons through the school, even though it's more expensive. paul, who taught the beginning class and my intermediate class, teaches the lessons as well, so i know it would be a teacher i know and am comfortable with. i just don't want to stop taking lessons or a class because i know that if i do, i will never push myself to get any better or learn anything harder. i will still play, for sure, i just won't try to do more advanced stuff. that's exactly what happened with piano, and it makes me sad. i know that guitar is something i will continue for a long time, and i don't want to stop learning. of all the instruments i've learned (guitar makes five...), guitar is my favorite. i can easily just pick it up and play for a few minutes or an hour without a problem.

now, you're probably wondering why i'm writing such a lengthy blog at a moment like this. the answer is thus: i am bored as hell. right now, i only have four academic classes (plus guitar, radio, and ice skating as 1-credits). one of those is a night class, so i do that homework once a week. the other three classes that i have on mondays, wednesdays, and fridays, each have homework due roughly once a week. i have nothing due tomorrow and nothing due thursday. therefore, i have been sitting in the coffee shop for about three hours now. i caught up on heroes, and i'll probably watch parks & recreation later today. maybe a little fantasy factory, you know. i have too much free time, but i don't have enough time left here to get a job, since i'll be going back home in less than a month. so, for now, i don't do much of anything...hence, why i was able to play guitar for two hours yesterday.

i need to be entertained.

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