Friday, May 8, 2009

if nothing else, this summer will be fun.

i've been in my own little world for the past couple weeks. i don't like facing the facts of my life - the fact that in a matter of a couple weeks i will have to miraculously find a summer job. so instead of facing these issues, i just live like a hermit in my own head (DCFC reference, anyone?).

in one week from today (or tomorrow, depending on how my plans end up) i will be back home in sammamish for the summer. i'm definitely torn. there's a major part of me that just wants to skip over the summer completely and move into my new dorm room in the brand new East Hall (which I still can't see the inside of). the stress of finding a job and the fear of not finding one and end up dying of boredom over the summer is a scary enough thought to make me not want to leave. on the other hand, i am so ready for a change, even if that means going home for the summer. i'm sick of the classes and the schedule and feeling like i never do anything fun.

i know that if nothing else, this summer will be fun. i already have a list of about eight shows that i want to go to, and they barely touch july. i'm going to be going to california for a few days to pick up rabid, visit alissa at westmont, and hopefully go to disneyland for a day. then me and rabid will road trip it back up to sammamish. harry potter comes out soon too, and the midnight showing is a tradition of me and rabid's. not to mention, the fourth of july and my birthday. and i might go to warped tour again in august. i really do have a lot to look forward to. i'm sure the summer will go by insanely fast like it always does, and before i know it, i'll be moving into my new room.

i know i'll be getting to see some of my favorite bands this summer, which definitely makes me feel better. i know for sure i'll be seeing two of them - owl city and the classic crime towards the end of may. the secret handshake is coming though seattle in june, artist vs poet is coming in july, this providence/hey monday in june, and i know there are others that i'm forgetting. it's going to be really awesome.

i'm going to start packing either tonight or tomorrow and it actually brings joy to my heart to think about packing up my room. i don't really have a feeling of 'home' there. i'm rarely in my room as it is and it's always cold and dark because it's in the basement. i'm excited and ready to be above group next semester. i need to figure out if i should get boxes to pack stuff, or if i should just try to throw all my clothes in garbage bags to take them home. boxes would be much more organized, but i'm tempted by the ease of the garbage bags.

it still hasn't really hit me that it's may and i'm going home in a week. maybe it'll hit me when i take all my posters and pictures off the wall, when i have my last day of class on monday, when i walk to hawthorne to take my accounting final, when my parents arrive to start packing up the car, or maybe when i get on I-90 to start driving home. because it definitely has not hit me yet. it will be weird not to see everyone for a while. i'm much closer to the girls on my hall than i was last year, and it will be sad to not see them every morning and evening.

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