Saturday, December 8, 2007

nine hours worth of painting

i regret to say that there is not much to report today. i didn't get everything done that i wanted to get done today, but that is the story of my life. really though, the only thing i've been putting off like no other is my painting assignment. i have to do a full figure, life size self portrait, which is going to be three 22 X 30 canvases put together, which is basically ridiculous. not only do i not want to do it, but i really don't see a point. what does my professor expect me to do with a life size self portrait? i'm not going to hang it in my house...that would be insane and a little weird. i really have no motivation to do it, but it's due tuesday and i haven't even started...oops. one painting of 22 x 30 usually takes about three hours, and that is to do a mediocre job. so, i basically have about nine hours worth of painting to do that i some how have to fit into this weekend along with studying for three major finals. not a good plan on my part, let's just say.

i can't wait to go back to seattle and get away from this place for a while. thanksgiving break was not nearly long enough...i just felt like i was getting teased, which was really annoying. at least my mother sent me a package full of good food for during finals week with some of my favorite cookies, homemade fudge, and all sorts of snacky goodness. i must say that studying for finals sucks...especially when they don't stop giving you assignments! other schools have dead week so they don't have classes for the few days leading up to finals but i have class up until the day finals start, it is insane. i still have an essay to write that is due monday, thankfully i have already started. i think i may just try to devote tomorrow to painting and try to get half way done...we will see how that turns out, haha. i will probably end up staying up all hours of the night on monday to finish them...even though i definitely have one of my hardest finals that day. ugh.

i'm really tired today. actually, i'm just really tired in general. i kind of feel just down all the time, but not necessarily in the 'sad' sense, just not my bubbly self that i used to be. ah well. honestly, i think that the concert on the 22nd will make me a much happier person. even though i saw barcelona on december 1st, it's a totally different experience when you go see a rock band and are standing in the middle of a crowd that is so into the music and the band just feeds off the crowd's energy. it's the most amazing thing, and i miss it terribly.

i'm considering getting a piercing. i haven't really consulted anyone yet on their feelings or thoughts. this isn't just an impulse thing...i've been considering it since about august, but i just haven't voiced it at all. i've done quite a bit of research, but i just don't know...i think i will try to ask my sister, who will probably be all for it. but then there's the mother issue, which i know she would most definitely not be all for it. and though i don't need her approval since i am 18, i don't really want to do something if she isn't going to support me in it. and now you are all wondering what piercing i'm talking about, right?'ll just have to keep guessing, but don't worry it's not anything bad. :]

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