Thursday, December 6, 2007

why can't we all just get along?

well, things are going alright here on the lovely whitworth university campus. laundry is currently in the dryer, spinning round and round. i feel like my life is in slow motion. it's as if i'm sitting in an old recliner just watching my life go by in the form of a movie on an old black and white screen. only this is the kind of movie where you want to scream at the character "don't do that!" because you can see what consequences will come of it. what has happened is not my fault, and i will not take credit for it, or blame myself. i don't regret anything i have said or done. i said it all for good reason.

forgive and forget is a hard phrase, and it makes me sad that some people can't do it. i am the kind of person that forgives without a second thought. jesus told all christians to forgive those who sin against them, so i do. but let it be known, that i never forget. all the hurtful things that were said to me by anyone will remain in the back of my mind forever, but i do not harbor bad thoughts. i hate confrontation, and i hate to see my friends sad, but i cannot do anything about it.

love is a weird thing. you know what the bible says about love? 1 corinthians 13:4 says "love is patient, love is kind. it does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. it is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." i wish this is the ideal that everyone lived by. i use my parents as an example. they have been married for oh geez...uh 29 years maybe? i don't even remember. and yes, they have had problems, but their love is true. i can see the love god describes in my mom, even though my dad, who is not christian, does not necessarily love according to this verse. they have true love that has lasted. it makes me sad that in our culture, this word 'love' has become something almost meaningless. do people even realize what it really means to love someone, especially according to god's interpretation...well it's not an interpretation, considering he made love, well actually, god IS love. it makes me sad to see little thirteen year old girls saying they have fallen in love, but no one at the age of thirteen can even fathom what love actually means.

i just wish everyone tried to be like jesus. it would make life so much easier, and we could all just get along. why can't we all just get along? why does it have to be so difficult for people to apologize. is it really that hard to admit one's mistake? 'i'm sorry' are very heavy words, that can mean a lot, and it's only two words. probably some of the most powerful words we can say.

ah well. what do i know? and what can i do to change people? nothing. i really can't do anything. home is calling my name now more than ever. i wish i had my tullamook here to comfort me...i could really use a puppy hug right about now. only 6 more days left until i leave this place for more than three weeks. ah! and only 15 days till i get to see two of my favorite bands ever. and it will be #5 for both of them, wow...that just dawned on me. that's pretty amazing. thinking about this definitely brightens my day.

i have three finals that i should be studying for right now. this darn internet keeps tearing me away from my studies. geez.

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