Thursday, January 24, 2008

only two days of class left

you know what i love? i love not having class on fridays. i had a three day week this week. it's simply amazing. tonight we are ordering pizza at 10:00 and watching 300, which i've never seen. i'm pretty pumped.

i am currently obsessed with 'stronger' by kanye...such an amazing song. love it.

i fear i don't have much to report today. my life is pretty boring right now. i fell asleep in class today....and yesterday....and the day before. i hate it. i'm not normally a person to fall asleep in class. the thing is, pretty much everyone is falling asleep, not just me. it is so boring that no matter how hard i try to stay awake, i always end up asleep for at least a couple minutes every day. i feel bad about it, but i don't know what else to do. i've tried everything to stay, water, texting.

i'm going to a movie tomorrow...but i don't know whether to go see atonement or 27 dresses. opinions? oh, oh, go see cloverfield! it is amazing! after it was over, i was so sick to my stomach that i got dizzy when i stood up. then my hands were literally shaking for about an hour after it barfy feeling didn't go away before i went to bed that night. i don't know if i could ever watch it on a big screen again, but i definitely recommend it. go. now.

only two days of class left! though i still have a lot of work to do before jan term is over. i have to write a 4-5 page paper before two extra credit papers that i'm going to have to write on sunday night...yay. i really need to enjoy my weekend because once sunday comes, it's all over. BUT i get to go home on tuesday, which i can't wait for. for some reason i've really been missing my smushy-faced puggy wiggy lately. and my kitten. and mooky of course. i really can't wait to see them, and sleep in my amazing bed, and be able to drive around, and hopefully go car shopping with my dad :] just like old times. oh man, i'm really needing a break. even though i do have a lot of down time, i really just can't wait to go home and see my parents and pets...just home.

it's been ridiculously cold here lately. i'm pretty sure the last three days it has been 6,7, and 8 degrees when i go to class in the morning. it's a little unreal actually.

ugh. frustration. frustration. frustration. frustration. frustration. i can't stand you.

sorry, just had to get that out.

soo, anyway. i bought almost all of my books for next semester online yesterday...i don't think they are all going to get here in worries me a little. i should have done it earlier, but i didn't. it's good though cause i saved probably 150-200 dollars buying them used online.

i've been trying to find more shows to watch online, now that i've finished re-watching lost and getting caught up on heroes. i watched the gauntlet III on today. it was spectacular as usual. then i watched three episodes of rob and big. i forgot how much i love that's so hilarious. i have so much free time right now that it's almost annoying. oh, and i got out of class early today and i was so happy cause i could actually watch ellen! i haven't been able to watch it in forever. it was disappointing though because she didn't have any good guests or anything. i was sad.

wow...i can't believe i actually wrote this much when literally NOTHING has happened since my last blog. this is how bored i am. i write about nothing.

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