Friday, January 11, 2008

the other person just looks at you like, "wtf"?

i'm back in my cramped little corner in my dorm room, with too much extra time on my hands. i'm pretty sure i have watched about 12 episodes of lost in three days. i am re-watching season three in preparation for the premiere of season 4 on january 31st. the show is so complex that you forget everything after a year, so i definitely required a refresher....and i had definitely forgotten a lot of stuff.

i'm really bummed right now. something that i thought was going to work out seems like it's not going to work out any more. i just hate that i get my hopes up about things. i wish i wouldn't because i seem to always get let down. without even realizing it, i let my mind run wild with wishes and fantasies and things that i know will probably never happen. oh well, i guess that's what i get. i'm kind of shaking right now because randomly two guys came barging into my room with their chests painted red and their faced painted black. i knew one of them, but it just scared the crap out of me cause it was so sudden....though i think they felt bad and awkward because i didn't really say anything, haha. oh well....guys shouldn't come barging into girls' rooms without knocking, haha. maybe i should keep my door locked when i am in my room...

anyway, like i was saying...i let my imagination run wild, and i really just need to get a rope and lasso in back into control.

ugh. i hate awkward situations. you know those times when you just don't know what to say, so you say something dumb, and the other person just looks at you like, "wtf"? that happens to me all the time, and i hate it. it's not like i'm anti-social, in fact, it's quite the opposite. i guess it's probably due to the fact that i am shy...or maybe it's the reason i'm shy. blah. i hate it.

the clouds finally stopped dropping snow after about three days straight without ceasing. it's wonderful. only now, the slush melts during the day and freezes over on the walkways, making it near impossible to go anywhere around campus. i don't know what's worse - having to wear boots all the time cause of the snow, or walking in slush and slippery ice. oh, how i miss the mildness of seattle weather.

the class i'm taking right now is pretty good. only, for some reason, i can't stay awake in it. i want to. i really want to, but i keep finding myself nodding off. the class is music of the christian church, and it's pretty interesting. when we sing and stuff i am able to stay awake, but any time he starts playing music, it puts me to sleep like a baby. prof's lectures aren't the most exciting thing in the world. it is an interesting subject and i really want to learn about it and pay attention but no matter what i do, i can't seem to stay awake the entire class. oh well, so far it seems to be pretty easy, and it fulfills the fine arts requirement.

i might be going to p.f. changs for emilie's birthday dinner tomorrow. i am extremely excited. i love p.f. changs. a lot.

yes! the seahawks playoff game against green bay. we better win, or i will be very disappointed. the last game was sooo intense. i will definitely be praying for favor :]

i have recently become a little obsessed with Run Kid Run. i bought their album on itunes before i left to come back to school after break. i had been wanting it for a while, and finally went and bought it. their are definitely one of my new favies. i found out that they are going to be coming to spokane with hawk nelson in march. they're playing at the service station, a venue really close to whitworth. i am soooooooo excited.

i'm afraid there isn't much going on in my boring, little life right now. i changed the sheets on my bed from teal to white. exciting, isn't it? i have also become a little addicted to grande vanilla lattes. eek. i have had one every day for the last five days. oh well, it's better than drugs or alcohol, i suppose!

well, i think i am actually going to go dye my hair now. i bought 'dark chocolate' instead of 'soft black'. we'll see what i think of it. the only reason i'm dying it again is because my roots are growing out. no one else can see them, but i can see them, and it's going to bug me until i fix it...just another reason why i think i am at least partially OCD. you should have seen my making my bed today...the sheets had to be perfectly straight and even. not that the world wide web needs to know this information.


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