Friday, May 30, 2008

leaving without a parting word.

well, golly, it's been a long time. i'm finally home now. finals went well for the most part, and i'm kind of in awe of the grades that i managed to pull off this semester. it was a very hard semester for me, not just because of the classes that i was taking, but because of everything i was dealing with and going through. i managed to scrape together a B in old testament, which was a miracle of god. and my professor was nice enough to round my 82.3% up to an 83 in order to have a B instead of a B-. what a nice guy. i actually pulled off a B+ in philosophy of religion, and i'm very proud of that. it was a 300 level philosophy class, and my first one at that. the subject was so difficult for me, and it definitely stretched my mind, but also helped me think about why i believe what i believe. in my math class i got 74/76 on the final [what a joke] and my final grade in the class was 99%. psh. you know how i do. i don't care enough about the rest of my classes to even mention them.

packing up my room was awesome. i really enjoyed the last week of school. it was nice to take an hour here and there out of studying to work on packing up my stuff. it's kind of ironic because i like to orgnize and clean when i'm sad, angry, or stressed out. it helps clear my head. the packing became that for me during finals week. i was happy to leave that room. it held a lot of memories that i want to forget. it was full of lonely days, sleepless nights, and tear-stained pillows. it became a constant reminder of my friendless-ness. i was more than happy to leave without a parting word.

i've already been to two shows since i've been home. i went to see my favies holyfield and moneta at the showbox the friday after i got back. it was soo great to finally see them again. especially considering how pissed i was after missing both of their concerts when they came to spokane during the last semester. both of their shows were so good and their followings in seattle have really grown in the last year. then i went to see bank when they were playing at seattle university a couple days ago. it was cool because there were about ten-fifteen other people there. it was pretty cool, and i hadn't seen them in about two years, so that was fun. i don't think i have any more on the calendar until june 20th when i'm taking my sister to finally see barcelona.

it's very weird being home. i mean, don't get me wrong, it's really nice to finally be home again. this whole job search is really stressing me out. most places are not hiring temporary workers, so it's hard to find any place that will hire me. even target isn't accepting summer workers, and that was my fall back! i'm sure i'll eventually find something, but my parents keep nagging me about it. it's not like i'm not trying! ugh. i don't want to think about it. it's really just stressing me out and almost making me wish i was just back at school. wow. i never thought i would say that!

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