Thursday, November 15, 2007

dips and dives of epic proportions

my life consists of ups and downs...constantly. i feel as if i'm riding a huge roller coaster with consecutive dips and dives of epic proportions. lame analogy, i know. but, unfortunately, it is too true. one day i will have amazing things happen, with everything happening to my benefit. then the next day i will have the complete opposite experience, as if the devil is taking charge of everything that happens to me. yesterday was an amazing day. i got an email from my professor, telling me she has mixed up an essay grade and that i had actually received a 90% instead of 64%...which is an absolutely huge change, and it definitely put me in a good mood. i was preparing for registering for classes, and all the classes i wanted still had openings. i took a test for core that i had been stressing over, that actually didn't go to horribly (at least i think...), and it was such a relief to have it be done. and i turned an essay in yesterday which had also caused me some stress. overall, yesterday was literally one of the best days i've had in a while. it was just a series of little good things that happened to add up to an amazing day.

...buuuuut then today came. i will not go into reasons why i woke up on the complete wrong side of the bed. there are a couple specific reasons, but i don't want to write about will make me too pissed off. i went to work out this morning with rebecca and emilie, for which i had to get up at 9:15 because they didn't want to go later. thursday is one of my two sleep-in days, so i was not very happy to be waking up before 10. then, for certain reasons that will, to you all, remain unknown, i was extremely tired and had absolutely no energy to work i got a headache after we left the fitness center, which just helped to make my day so bright. i later discovered that the class that i planned to take next semester to fulfill my science requirement is only available to education students, so i was forced to re-evaluate my whole schedule that i had planned two weeks in advance. wonderful. then it was lunch time, and i ate with rebecca and jared. i hadn't seen jared in a couple days, so that was fun. but some trouble ensued, making things slightly awkward. then they went to class and i went back to my room to prepare to register for classes right at 2pm, the moment that i would be able to. of course, just my luck, the site we use to register was telling me that i was not eligible to register, even though i was. i spent about fifteen minutes freaking out that the classes i wanted would fill up before the stupid site decided to work, when finally it went through, and i was able to get all the classes i wanted...besides, of course, the science class that i will never be able to take. and now, this is where the past becomes present. i am currently sitting at my computer wondering what the heck is happening. this day has just not been good. nothing has necessarily gone right, but what really made it bad, was the start to my day. you know what i mean? if one bad thing happens when you wake up, it just kinda makes the entire rest of the day sucky and miserable.

i get to go home for thanksgiving break in only six days. i am very anxious for many things that will occur during this thing in particular, that i don't really want to talk about. BUT i am extremely excited to spend time with my sisters, since i haven't seen them since august! and i'm just excited to go home and see my pets. i've recently really been missing tully. it could just be because i know he is old and i want to spend as much time with him as possible. i just wish i could run up and hug him and kiss his face. and of course, i can't wait to see my bubzer...with that cute little, smashed in face and loud breathing. and i can't leave out my little kitten, who decided to be mad at me when i went home for fall break. i guess she was pissed that i left, so decided to basically ignore me and run away from me until the night before i left. hopefully she will be more inclined to spend time with me this break. i am also really excited to see all my friends that i haven't seen in a while...i feel like it's been a lifetime, but i know once we are all together, it will feel like no time has passed at all, and i love that.

this semester is almost over, and i am soooo happy. i am not really enjoying my classes this semester, and i have a feeling that spring is going to be much more fun. and for jan term i am taking music of the christian church, which is going to be really easy and fun. i'm pumped.

i really miss live music. it's funny because for rebecca, it was just a fun thing to do on the weekends, but for me, it has become so much more. i find out about all of these amazing concerts happening in seattle while i am in spokane, and i get really sad about missing them. she doesn't get nearly as disappointed. i just miss it so much. going to concerts was a way to escape from literally everything else that is going on in your life (especially the bad stuff) and forget about it just for a few hours, while enjoying some amazing entertainment with people who love it just as much as you do. and also, it helped having one to look forward to, it was something that kept me going through hard times...knowing that i would be going to see this providence or the classic crime in a month motivated me a lot to just suffer through whatever was going on. oh well. i guess i will just have to find something to fill the void that is now in my life.

6 days! ahhh!

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