Tuesday, November 13, 2007

only a few weeks of school left in the semester

i'm sitting in the coffee shop, called Mind and Hearth, supposed to be studying for the majorly huge and important test i have tomorrow. so naturally, my mind is thinking about everything else besides the test, including the fact that i have been slightly neglecting this blog. i am extremely stressed out right now...life is moving ridiculously fast right now. i have seven hours of class total today (when every other day of the week, i only have three), six of which still lie ahead of me.

i have this weird feeling that good things are going to come soon, that things are going to start to look up really soon. i don't know where this feeling is coming from, or why, but i definitely like it. things have gotten pretty hard the last couple of weeks...especially with thanksgiving so close, but yet so far away. i'm really missing my sisters, whom i haven't seen since the end of august. it feels weird. i've also been extremely emotional lately, and i have no idea why. randomly i will think of something that would normally make me only slightly sad, and i will start bawling. it's very odd.

luckily my emotional state is starting to taper off, it could have been because i was extremely sick for two and a half weeks and was on all sorts of crazy medicines, and my body was all messed up from not getting good rest. who knows?

i am so happy that this semester is almost over. i am taking 16 credits right now, and have 19 hours of class a week. next semester (assuming i get all the classes i want...) i will still have 16 credits, but only 15 hours of class a week. that really is a huge difference. i'm not taking any especially fun classes next semester...just trying to get a bunch of general education requirements out of the way...but i know that the amount of reading will be considerably less, which will be such a relief. i feel like i am just drowning in reading right now.

there are only a few weeks of school left in the semester. upon returning from thanksgiving break, i will only have two weeks of class, then finals week, then i get to go home again on december 13th! i have a feeling it is going to go extremely fast. also, i am really excited because i have been emailing this woman who has a horse that needs exercising. i went to visit her and meet her horses while my parents were here for parents weekend. her horse, mercedes or mercy, was really sweet and cute. mercy had a baby a little while ago, so the lady is going to be officially weaning the baby this weekend, which means i can start riding her soon! and the lady, Sam, offered to come pick me up from school to come work her horse. i'm so fricking excited.

i am still hoping, beyond all hope, that i will get a car soon. it is really annoying being stuck on campus. it would just be nice if i had a way to escape if i'm feeling down or sad or mad, for that matter. even just getting off campus to go to starbucks, just to get away, would be a huge help to me right now. not to mention, then i would be able to go ride a lot more often, considering Sam can only come get me on the weekends cause she works full time. ohh geez.

i want to paint my nails black.

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