Monday, November 5, 2007

the incessant and horrible coughing

well it's been quite a while since i have blogged. it's weird. it's mostly because i've been freaking sick for almost two weeks. last wednesday (6 days ago) i went to the campus health center, hoping that they would give me something the make the incessant and horrible coughing go away, and so i could actually sleep through the night without waking up ten times, and go to class without disrupting everyone. so, the doctor told me that i have a sinus infection and so she gave me antibiotics and mucinex to help get everything out, ya know. so, i started taking the antibiotics and the mucinex twice a day on wednesday, and i'm not any better yet. i have literally been suffering through the day and night. there is no other word to describe it but suffering. i lost my voice on friday, and it's still in the process of coming back, which is just really fun. and, guess what? i'm still coughing incessantly! i basically sound like i'm dying. it's miserable trying to focus and get work done, especially reading...which there's a lot of. plus, to top it all off, i only have two cough drops i don't know how i'm going to make it through the night tonight. my body gave me a little tease this morning and made me think that i was starting to get better...until the coughing hit again at about 2 pm. i am going to go back to freaking health center tomorrow morning hopefully and see what the heck is wrong with the antibiotics since they are not working at all. i just hate being here right now. i wish i was home where i wouldn't have to walk outside in the 30 degree weather for five minutes just to get food...which, i am positive, is not helping me get better. i've missed three sessions of my pilates class so now i'm going to be totally lost when i can finally go back to class. i guess i should consider myself lucky seeing as the work load for the last week has been noticeably less than normal, but that's still not helping me get better. i need to go to sleep, although it will probably take me at least an hour to fall asleep, even though i'm exhausted.

chuck norris can believe it's not butter.

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