Saturday, November 17, 2007

an environmentally friendly establishment

i am currently in the radio studio doing my radio show...what a perfect time to blog, huh? i swear i actually do stuff during my show, haha. i am writing today to say that i could possibly be the most unlucky person in the world. well, i guess it's not being unlucky, just a lot of crappy, bad things happen to me all the time. (you can refer back to an old blog about me tripping while coming out of my dorm). today, me and rebecca took the bus to target/safeway shopping center to get some random things. but, we were very hungry for lunch upon getting off the bus, so we decided to grab some lunch before heading to target. well, we crossed the street, but in order to get to pizza hut (where we decided to eat lunch), we could either walk along the side walk which was extremely out of the way, or cut across this small grassy ditch that was kinda wet. well of course we did not want to walk a huge way out of our way so we decided to walk across the little ditch. as we were walking down the side of it, i thought i was going to slip cause it was kinda steep. i even told rebecca "you know how clumsy i am, i am going to fall!" but i didn't. so then we were walking across the flat part and we suddenly realized that it was really wet so we started running and picking up our feet really high. and as i was running, of course, i slip in the wetness and fall flat on my butt. the bottom of my purse went into a puddle, as did basically my entire backside. we started cracking up because it was really hilarious, but i was extremely angry because i was soaking wet. so then we went to pizza hut, and i was hoping that they would be an environmentally friendly establishment and have a blow dryer in the bathroom. so i went in there and before i opened the door i said "God, please let there be a dryer in there." much to my surprise and happiness, there was! i run up to it and push the button...and nothing happens. so i push it about ten or twenty more times, hoping beyond hope that it will randomly start to work, but of course it does not. just another example of things that ONLY happen to me. at least they happen to me a lot more than any other person i have ever met. i need to meet a man that will love me even though i am horribly unlucky.

well, my radio show is almost over. it's been kinda crazy tonight. there were a couple times we went on the air and i couldn't stop laughing. i'm sure people who were listening (if anyone was listening at all) could not understand what the heck i was saying. oh well. i don't think anyone really listens any way. i must go, my computer is on the verge of dying. good night world wide web.

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