Wednesday, April 30, 2008

blockbuster boy.

today has been alright. i fell asleep for the first time in math class, and then again in old testament, which i haven't done in forever. it made me realize how tired i actually am. i have gone to bed late two nights in a row. two nights ago i couldn't sleep because i had taken a 2 and a half hour nap on accident that day. i didn't get to sleep until after 3. then last night i started doing laundry at 9:30, thinking i'd be done by 11 or 11:30 at the latest. wrong. all of the driers were being used but one, so i put two loads of clothes in one drier...because of this it took almost two hours for them to dry. plus, i never go down to check right away. i didn't get to bed until about 1:30 last night. that's really not that late, but two late nights in a row without a nap was problematic. i have a hard time functioning [well] on less than 7 hours of sleep. then, on top of all of my tiredness, my thumb has been hurting really, really bad. it started last night around dinner time. i didn't even feel like i had been overusing it. it still hurt really bad this morning and the pain has continued the entire day. i don't know how to get rid of it, and it sucks. this happens every few weeks. i don't know why.

last night me and emilie went to cartridge world to get her cartridges refilled. then we went to blockbuster, which was fun. the cute guy that's almost always there when we go to rent movies was working. it made me smile. she wanted to open a new account so she didn't have to use her parent's account any more. so, he helped us. we basically flirted with him for the fifteen minutes it took to fill out the paper work and get the card...which she didn't even get because the machine was out of paper or whatever it uses. he made her a make-shift one, haha. the weirdest thing is that his name is brandon, and he looks exactly like the lead singer of panic at the disco, who's name is brendon...coincidence? i think not. haha.

i bought the new run kid run album yesterday. it is spectacular. me and emilie went to target to get it, but they didn't have it. we were sad. luckily there was a best buy like two seconds away, so we went there, and they had it. unfortunately, we paid $14 for it, and i realized that night that it was on itunes for $10. waste of four dollars. oh well. it was kind of an adventure. then, last night i found out that holyfield finally got their album on itunes! i just had to buy it. i've been desperate for their new album since it was released. they are both such good albums, and they definitely brighten my day a little bit. plus, there's a couple songs on there that are really encouraging for my current situation. they help a little bit.

17 days. yeeeeeah.

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