Thursday, September 4, 2008

i still feel like i'm really tired all the time.

i finished my second day of classes today. though, i have yet to attend my guitar class, which i have once a week on tuesdays. it's a very odd feeling, being back at school. it really feels like i never left, like i never stopped going to classes, like i never stopped this whole routine. i'm kind of bummed because i don't really have any classes this semester that i am taking for fun [besides guitar, which is only 1 credit, one hour a week]. the last couple semesters i have had at least one class that i wasn't required to take for either my major or for gen eds. most of my classes now are just things i want to get out of the way. i could have waited to take core 250, but what would have been the point of that. business management, financial accounting and microeconomics are all required for my major, and i really don't think i'm going to like any of those classes. business interests me, but i haven't heard good things about the professor, and i can already tell that he's just not going to teach in a style that i respond well to. then, i'm taking design I, which is required for my visual communications minor. it could be has the potential to be fun, but i am such a perfectionist, that i have a feeling i'm just going to get really annoyed with myself if everything i do, every line i draw, every circle i paint is not absolutely perfect in every way. we had one little exercise on the first day of class where we had to use construction paper and make a collage without using imagery conveying a word that he had printed on little pieces of paper. my word was 'strong' and i spent at least ten minutes just deciding what to do. it's weird...i'm creative, but i have problems when someone tells me "be creative right now and make something fantastic." it's not something you can turn on or off like a light bulb. i'm just afraid that i'll hate everything i make in the class because i'm so ocd about it.

i'm exhausted. i forgot how tiring it is to have a schedule like this. even though i don't have that many hours of class a day, i still feel like i'm really tired all the time. it doesn't help that i rarely got up this early during the summer, and i lounged around at home a lot when i didn't have to work. i have taken a twenty minute power nap for the past two days, but it doesn't seem to help much. i had a latte yesterday, which i think is why i wasn't tired, but i didn't have any coffee today and i'm utterly exhausted at 11pm...that's not a good sign. i don't want to be in a position where i rely on caffeine to keep me awake. i guess 11 is not too ridiculous of a time to go to bed. though, i don't have class until 10:25 tomorrow. friday is the only day of the week i really get to sleep in. mondays and wednesdays i've got class at 8am, and tuesdays and thursdays i've got class at 9:30, but it takes like 15 minutes to walk there. i'm really excited to be able to sleep in tomorrow. mmm. yes.

i think the main reason i'm so tired right now is not because of a lack of sleep [though, it has taken me a really long time to fall asleep, and i wake up sometimes in the middle of the night for no reason, so my sleep isn't very restful]. i am getting a relatively normal amount of sleep. i got almost eight hours last night, which should be more than enough to be wide awake at 11pm. but, really, i think i'm just exhausted from starting everything again...meeting people, putting myself out there in class to sit by random people and introduce myself, moving into a completely new and different room in a different dorm, and getting back into the schedule of going to classes and such....oh, and the get-to-know-you activities. those really take it out of me like you wouldn't believe.

i have no idea what i'm going to do this weekend. maybe i'll go to the discount movie theatre here in spokane. i think there are some good movies playing. we'll see. i really don't want to just sit here and do nothing like i did all of last year. i'm not gonna lie, that really sucked.

i haven't been this tired in a really long time, and my bed is calling my name, screaming my name actually. i think i will succumb to the calling. i really hope i'm not going to be this tired all year long, because i don't think i can handle this much longer.

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