Monday, September 22, 2008

spectacularly jam packed with concerts.

i feel like it's been an eternity since i've had a minute to just sit and think. the core 250 and microeconomics tests that i had today went pretty well. neither of them were as unbearable as i was expecting, though we'll have to wait and see when i get the grades. maybe they were really hard and i'm just so incompetent that i thought they were okay. hopefully i just studied so hard that they seemed to be pretty okay. i feel good about them.

this weekend was amazing, despite sunday. i spent pretty much all day studying for my tests. though, i did go to church in the morning, and then i went to lunch in saga (sunday chili - my favorite!) and then we randomly decided to go to value village. i had been wanting to go value village shopping for like two weeks. i ended up finding some fantastic sweaters. oh yes. they are amazing. then we went to this random plant and pet shop. there were some really cute puppies and rabbits and baby guinea pigs. it was really sad though because the puppies were behind these glass barriers and they looked so sad. they were clearly from puppy mills and were starving for human attention and affection. it just made me really sad. then we came back to school and i pretty much studied for my tests from 3 pm to about 1:30 am. of course, i had breaks in between. it's physically impossible for me to focus for that amount of time with some sort of breaks in there. then i had to get up at 7 am to get to my 8 am class. so basically, sunday sucked. a lot.

but let's not focus on the negatives here, because besides that, my weekend was spectacularly jam packed with concerts. friday night, barcelona played here at whitworth. it was so good to see them again. it was so weird because a lot of people at the show already knew their music because they came and played here last year. it's funny though, because it almost feels like some amazing secret that i had has been revealed, and now everybody gets to share in the good secret. it makes me feel selfish for not wanting other people to know about barcelona, when it is really a good thing for more people to hear their music - that's the reason bands tour in the first place. but anyway, we got to talk to brian for a couple minutes afterward, so that was fun. it was cool though because a lot of the audience knew the words, so we were all singing along. it was probably the liveliest crowd i've seen at a whitworth concert. after the concert, me and rebecca met brandon in mac, then went to taco bell because none of us had had dinner. we watched a few episodes of heroes, then went to arend to hang out in rebecca's room, where we watched youtube videos and saturday night live skits until 2:30 am. haha. it was really fun, but i didn't end up going to bed until about 3.

then on saturday, i slept in until 1pm. haha. it felt so nice to be able to sleep until my body decided to wake up. then i lazied around for a while and went to the coffee shop to get a latte and watch some heroes season 2 on my computer. i went to the bank and to petsmart. i bought a new tank for carlisle. it's much has a light and bubbles. he's much happier now. then me and rebecca went to grab some dinner in saga (yum....not) before heading off to see hey monday, a rocket to the moon, and the cab. i was most excited to see rocket, but i also really like the cab. oh, and this band from seattle called shyforshy opened the show, but we missed a few of their songs. i apparently missed the memo that the 'doors' time and the 'show' time were in fact one in the same. oh well. it was at this place downtown called the big dipper. it was a pretty small venue, but i really liked it. it felt really cozy and kind of reminded me of the crocodile cafe that me and rebecca used to go to in seattle. so anyway, after they played, hey monday played. i actually liked them, even though the girl who sang lead looked like she was sixteen. they kind of reminded me of paramore - not just because there was a girl singer, but also the style of music and all that.

when they were done, a rocket to the moon played. i felt soooo bad for them. they had so many technical difficulties which were not their fault at all. first, nick's guitar stopped working, then his amp stopped working. then the other guitar stopped working. then one of the mic's stopped working. i could tell they were ready to just give up, but thankfully they kept playing. so basically, nick normally would have been playing guitar for all the songs, but he just stopped trying to make it work and just sang, which was actually cool, cause then he moved around the stage and we could actually see him better. i still felt really bad for them though. then the cab played, but unfortunately, something happened with their trailer, so only two guys were there and they played acoustic. it was pretty cool, but kind of awkward. they did a bunch of random covers like britney spears and nsync. it was a good time. we didn't end up staying for the whole time. we probably watched like 45 minutes of their set, and then i bought a rocket to the moon t-shirt and we peaced outta there. overall, it was a really fun show...kind of weird how things worked out though - it's the one show of the tour that this providence wasn't there for (which i was really, really sad about), then a rocket to the moon has these horrible technical difficulties, and then the cab plays acoustic. it was still really fun though. plus, i'm a bit obsessed with nick from a rocket to the moon. okay, so maybe more than a little, but that's okay.

the premiere of the new season of heroes is tonight and i am pumped. it's been soo long since they've had new episodes. i've spent the last week re-watching season 2. rebecca has it on dvd, so i've been spending my spare time doing that. i realized that i really, really like heroes. though, one thing i don't like is that there are so many stories to follow, that not much really happens in every episode, but in a way, i like that. there's so much going on, that you never get bored. and, if there's one story you don't like, then you don't have to watch that much of it every week.

i've been missing my boys lately. and by "my boys", i mean my dogs. it's weird though. it feels like i've been back at school for months now, and it's only been about three weeks. it's odd how that works. i get to visit home in about a month, and i'm excited. it's a different kind of excitement than last year though - last year it was because i missed home so much that i wanted to go back. now, i'm much happier here, for the most part, and i'm excited to go home to see my family and my pets for a couple days, but it's not because i'm homesick. though, we'll see how i'm feeling in another month.

guitar class is going well. it's moving pretty fast, but i can already play a bunch of chords, which is cool. i've been looking up worship songs online and stuff, and there's a few i can play, which has been really fun. i'm really excited to be able to just pick it up and play. i'm still not very good, and if i play for too long too often, my fingers start to hurt really bad, but it's not so bad. in fact, that's kind of the point, to build up strength and callouses. i'm excited to go home for thanksgiving (i'll have to find some way to bring it home with me...hmmm) and i can play and my sister can sing. it'll be a merry time.

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