Wednesday, September 3, 2008

his name is carlisle, and he is a betta fish.

i started classes today. i had design 1, core 250, and principles of microeconomics. i think they're all going to be pretty good. design should be relatively relaxing, and there isn't too much homework. there's a little reading every night and some questions, but it's not horrible. core 250 is going to be soo good. i'm really looking forward to it, and i've heard that it's exponentially better than 150, which i hated. i really like all the lecturing profs for 250, so it should be a really good class. plus, i know a ton of people in it. econ should be alright. :] economics are not something i'm dying get lectured on, but it looks like we're going to be talking about politics and the election and stuff, which should be really interesting and give me more insight to the policies of the candidates, though i'm pretty decidedly voting for Obama. it will take a lot to convince me to vote otherwise. i just really don't like who McCain chose for a running mate...enough to convince me to not vote for him. if she ever had to take over for him for any reason, she would be horrible. plus, i was all for obama from the beginning.

it feels weird being back at school. it's almost like i never left. my room is pretty sweet. i think i'm going to really like living in ballard. my room is probably about the same size as last year, but the ceilings are taller, and i can move all the furniture, so there are a lot more configurations we can use. though, for some reason, i am pretty much always cold in my room...we are in the basement, but emilie is not cold. hopefully i'm not sick or anything. i am pretty sure i'm not, i just like being warm in my room...and i shouldn't have to put a blanket over me in order for that to happen, especially when it's warm outside like it is right now. i shudder to think what it will be like in the winter. brr.

i got a new friend yesterday. his name is carlisle, and he is a betta fish. he's very cute and he swims around his bowl a lot more than most bettas. he also likes to swim in and out of the fake grass in the bowl. he's very cute. we're going to be best friends.

i already have homework to do. ugh. i miss the days of high school where the only assignment for the first entire week is to sign the stupid syllabus. but no, i have to jump right in! i already have to read a chapter for econ, a chapter for design [plus answer two pages of questions about the reading], and reading for core 250 and a reading response. ughhhh. the year is starting off with a bang.

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