Tuesday, March 4, 2008

17 days before i get to go home

i have a mid term tomorrow for old testament and i really need to study for it....so naturally, i'm not. i don't feel like doing much of anything lately besides sleeping. unfortunately i'm not tired enough to fall asleep right now, so i find other ways to avoid doing work. i have no motivation to do anything constructive lately. like, i'm talking no motivation whatsoever. in fact, i'm getting kinda tired just typing this. i shouldn't be tired though because i had a grande vanilla latte at 1. two shots of espresso should be keeping me more than alert at the moment. however, i'm very sleepy now.

i can't wait for spring break to come. i only have to wait 17 days before i get to go home, and possibly go visit my sister as well, which would be simply amazing. i can't wait for this semester to be over. the day i get to go home for the summer is going to be a wonderful day. i miss riding terribly, and i'm hoping to find a place to ride for the summer. i can't go an entire summer without it, or i might lose my mind. i'm sad that my old barn kinda fell apart. most of the horses i had known for four years have been sold which is really sad.

i bought a couple cd's on smartpunk last week and they finally got here yesterday! let's see, i got The Summer Set, Making April and Parade the Day. i had only heard of a couple of them, but they were each only about 5 dollars each, so i previewed them on myspace before buying them. they all turned out to be pretty good, which is awesome. i had been feeling the need for some new music, so it was fun to get some new stuff to listen to. also, i sent out packages to my sisters today. i spent a long time preparing their little presents yesterday which was fun. i hope they like them.

i found out a couple days ago that holyfield is coming to spokane! it's not until april 21st, but it still definitely made my day. as much as going to concerts like minus the bear and rocky votolato is great, there's just something special about being able to see my favorite bands from home, and seeing their familiar faces. it just makes me giddy thinking about seeing them. it's the best news i've gotten in a long time. it's funny how something so seemingly small can cheer me up so much. although, it doesn't really cheer me up, it just makes me really look forward to april 21st.

i suppose i should give in and actually study for the midterm that's worth almost half of my grade. blah.

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