Tuesday, March 11, 2008

i thought i was SOL

so guess what. i'm going to see Run Kid Run and Hawk Nelson on Sunday (emphasis on the RKR). I'm so excited. I had been eyeing the rkr album for a while and finally caved in and bought it with itunes gift cards from christmas a couple months ago. i'm pretty much in love with it, and now they're playing in spokane. i absolutely cannot wait. plus, me and emilie are going, which should be really fun. she's only been to a few concerts, so it will be fun to kinda introduce her to my world, so to speak.

i found out today that the jan term trip that i applied for accepted me. it goes to new york and DC with an emphasis on mass media. it goes to a bunch of different companies to talk to people about media impact from all kinds of media: tv, movies, radio, music, written, everything. there are only 12 spots, so i thought i was SOL with my odds in getting one of those spots. so, at least i think i am accepted. we weren't actually supposed to find out until tomorrow at 3pm, but for some reason my online application already showed the status as YES. i am kind of afraid that it was some kind of horrible mistake and they didn't actually want me. i suppose i will find out tomorrow if i get an email or not. i'm hoping i can go, because i've been wanting to go to new york for a while, and it totally relates to what i want to do with my life. there's practical application to this study "abroad" trip for me, whereas, a lot of them are on some random subject, like politics and the arts in italy and germany. don't get me wrong, i would love to go to italy and germany, but those topics don't relate to my career interests at all.

i bought (with my mother's credit card....i had permission, don't worry) my plane tickets to and from burbank today. i leave on wednesday the 26th and go back to seattle on sunday the 30th, after which i will drive my lovely little car (which i have yet to name) the five hour drive back to spokane. it's gonna kind of suck doing that much traveling in one day, but totally worth it to be able to have an entire saturday to spend with my sister. if i had flown back on saturday, the flight would have been at about 4 pm, which would have cut off an entire evening. plus, i always sleep on planes, so i will get an extra 2.5 hours of sleep on the plane. though, since i bought them so close to the date, there were only middle seats left, which frickin sucks. hopefully, when i go check in there will be some more seats available.

i cannot believe that i get to go home in 10 days. it's kind of insane. this semester has honestly gone by so fast...which is a good thing. actually, it's an amazing thing. the sooner i get out of here, the better (and the saner i'll be). it really scares me to think about after spring break though. once i come back after break, i will be here for six straight weeks. i've heard that that time goes by really fast, but i have my doubts. i have a feeling it's going to be harder to leave home after this break than compared to all the others i've had.

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