Monday, March 17, 2008

teenage boys thinking they know what moshing is.

last night was simply amazing. me and emilie went to see run kid run (who was playing with hawk nelson), and also got to see another good band called capital lights. it didn't start out to well though. we don't know that much about hawk nelson, and therefore, did not realize that their audience was basically ten year olds. waiting in line was horrible. we had this group of four literally 10-11 year old boys in front of us without parental supervision. they were being super rowdy and annoying. we almost punched them. it was extremely annoying. not to mention all the girls who went ga-ga over the lead singer. one girl had even died her hair green in recognition of this "green-t tour." it was a little ridiculous. plus, there were a ton of parents there with their kids. we even saw some children that couldn't have been older than 5. let's just say, we were shocked. we felt totally out of place...more so for me, because that kind of concert is totally not my scene. i kept convincing myself that once the bands i came to see started playing, all the annoyances would go away.

once we finally got into the venue, we went as close to the front as we could get. there were about 3-4 "rows" of people in front of us, which wasn't too bad. while we were waiting, like 4 different parents came pushing through saying "excuse me, i need to get to the front. my kids are up there. excuse me, i need to get to the front." me and emilie started getting really pissed off. we got to venue two and a half hours early for a reason. if you weren't waiting in line with your kids too bad. of course, we let them in, but not happily. we're not going to be disrespectful to adults, but we were so pissed. we were just not in a good mood before the music started. finally, the lights dimmed and the first band, capital lights, came on. they were surprisingly really, really good. they are from oklahoma and i had never heard of them. apparently they just recently signed with tooth and nail...big surprise that i like them, haha. they had a really short set, and we decided we'd go talk to them at their merch booth after the show. then run kid run came on. they were simply amazing. i knew pretty much all the words, so i sang along. they were everything i'd hoped they would be....their performance was engaging and really just fun to watch. it was pretty short as well, but definitely worth the $16 i paid for my ticket. after run kid run, me and emilie went up to the balcony, where the merch booths were for capital lights and run kid run. the guitarist of capital lights was alone at their table so me and emilie went to talk to him and check out their stuff. we ended up talking to him for about ten minutes, haha. he was cool and gave us free posters, signed them, and then took pictures with us. the guys from rkr hadn't come to their table yet, and their merch guy said they would probably come up after hawk nelson's set. great. we would have to stick around for hawk nelson's entire set, plus encore, if we wanted to talk to the guys from rkr.

well, we stayed on the balcony to watch hawk nelson...we really had no desire to be engaged, haha. too many screaming girls wanting to grab the lead singer, crazy old ladies dancing in the back, little boys on other people's shoulders, and teenage boys thinking they know what moshing is. the show was really produced...i.e. four smoke machines, three projectors/screens, lots of flashing lights, and videos showing on the screens while they were playing. i just kept thinking to myself, "can't your music just be enough?" i guess it's just frustrating going to so many local shows in seattle, where people are there to enjoy the tricks, nothing showy. i can understand why they do it, considering the kind of audience they have attracted, but it was just annoying to me. after the show was over, we stayed up in the balcony and got the rest of capital lights to sign our posters and take pictures with us. then we waited to see run kid run. i bought a hoodie (i couldn't resist...) and emilie bought a shirt, which she had them sign. then we each took a picture with them and peaced out of there. there was a line of probably 100 people waiting to have hawk nelson sign their crap...that would definitely not be me, haha...would not be worth it. anyway, overall, it was a really fun concert. we discovered a band we had never heard of, saw a band we both already liked, got to talk to/take pictures with both of them, and got to laugh at all the immature kids and pushy parents. then we went and got kids meals at red robin at like 9:30 (which are WAY cheaper than regular meals, and not that much less food). it was an amazing night...and i got to introduce emilie to my passion. though, it was not a very good representation of the shows i go to, considering the vast number of children. she had a good time too, which is good. i can't wait to take her to more concerts this summer!

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