Thursday, March 13, 2008

i want to punch the writers of lost in the face. twice.

so basically i'm going to new york and dc for next jan term. i am going to pay my non-refundable $300 deposit tomorrow. i am so ridiculously excited. i have wanted to go to new york for a while now, and i've never been to dc, so i'm sure that's going to be an amazing experience. i absolutely cannot wait. i don't know of anyone else that's going, but it will be fun to make new friends that way. i am so pumped.

i have a sociology test tomorrow, that i have about zero motivation to study for. i've probably studied for about an hour and a half over the last day or so, and i will probably study for at least another hour tonight...and probably won't start until midnight...which means it's going to be a late night. oh well. i have no motivation, but once it gets to be about midnight, i will go into panic mode and study like crazy. it's how i do.

ah! i can't believe that i will be home in about 7 days and 9 hours...but who's counting? spring break is seriously going to be the best week of my life. i get to go home for 5 days, then visit my sisters for the other 5 days. there's a show i want to go to on the friday night that i get home, so hopefully i will be able to find someone to go with me. i haven't seen cavalier in pretty much two years, which is unacceptable. plus, they're playing with bank. the last time i saw bank, i only caught like 2 songs cause it took so long to get in the doors. and, it's at ground zero, which i love. it's so small and very homey...probably because it is a converted house....but i pretty much love it. so, we'll see. the only issue is that i completely detest one of the bands that's playing with them. if i'm lucky, that band will be playing last and i can leave before they come one. i seriously cannot stand them. last time they were at a show i went to, i literally left the room. unfortunately, at ground zero, that's not completely an option. but, i suppose it'd be worth enduring them in order to see two other good bands. but who knows, i may not even end up going.

i can't wait to go running when i get home. i miss it so much. i don't want to run here because it'd just be extremely awkward. as long as it's not raining, i'll probably go for a run every day i'm home. and oh my word, i can't wait to go driving...especially with my puppy in the passenger seat. i miss taking him on car rides with me...and i can't wait to do that while i'm home. it sounds like such a random thing to miss, but it's one of those things where if i'm having a bad day, i can just grab my little puggsy and get in the car and go somewhere, any where, and get my mind off of things. and home-cooked meals! home-cooked meals! i can't stand cafeteria food. mostly because you have no idea what they put in it, so you never really know what you're eating, how good or bad it is for you, or how many calories and such you are consuming. it's just a really unhealthy way to be eating....and there's no avoiding it. i've been trying to do as best as i can, but sometimes even the healthier options seem unhealthy to me.

the other day i had an epiphany. well, i guess it was more of a realization. it came to me, while i was laying in bed the other day trying to fall asleep, that i will get to have easter ham while i'm home. my mother's ham is probably one of my favorite foods ever, and it only happens twice a year....kind like the ikea sale. every christmas and easter we get home-cooked ham and home-made potatoe salad. i started screaming (silently of course, as my roommate was sleeping), and the thought of easter ham actually brought a smile to my face. it's a little ridiculous, but i never realized how much i took my mother's cooking for granted in years past. let's just say i don't any more.

also, no one will every be able to comprehend my excitedment for having my car here. me and emilie went to the service station today to buy our tickets for run kid run and hawk nelson (which i am soooooooooo excited for...though it cost $16.50, which is a little much, but totally worth it). i can't wait to be able to go off campus to go to starbucks or the service station, get coffee and do my homework in a place that's not here, haha. i do my homework in the school coffee shop quite a bit, but it does tend to get pretty loud in there, or a lot of times, there will be people watching something on the flat screen, so it can be pretty distracting.


ok, so here's the deal. i pretty much want to punch the writers for Lost in the face over and over again. now, two of my absolute favorite characters are dead (one currently, and one in the future). i found out in tonight's episode that jin dies, some time between now and the time sun has her baby off the island. i seriously almost started crying. i am so pissed. i loved the relationship between jin and sun, it was so great to see their relationship mend and then watch them fall so deeply back in love. the baby is jin's and everything was going great....until now. i'm seriously so angry right now. who knows when he's actually going to could be the next episode, it may not even be this season. i'm just pissed because now i know that he doesn't get to see his baby and sun's will be alone. ugh. i am so mad about this. i was already so angry that charlie died, my favorite character of them all, and now someone who's definitely in my top 5 favorite characters is going to be dying. i'm pissed. next week's episode better be freaking amazing, or i'm gonna be angry, and something good better happen, to make up for this crappy realization of jin's dying. goodness, it's so brutal too, they make you think that jin's just late to the birth of the baby and that he's running around trying to get a stuffed panda to bring her, and then you find out that that was his flashback, and what we are seeing of sun is a flash forward. GAH! so much trickery.

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