Saturday, March 1, 2008

could my saturday be more boring?

gosh, my life is boring. seriously. i have done pretty much nothing constructive today. want to know what i did?

1. randomly woke up at 4am to find my roommate's bed empty...then went back to sleep of course
2. woke up at 9:45ish.
3. worked out.
4. watched gymnastics on tv then took a shower.
5. went to lunch (by myself....again)
6. got a grande vanilla latte at the coffee shop.
7. watched two episodes of Eli Stone.
8. studied for two and a half hours.
9. watched an episode of survivor.
10. wasted time on the internet.

and now, here i am. could my saturday be more boring? i don't think so. this is just one more reason why i need to find friends who actually want to hang out/spend time with me. is it that much to ask? apparently. i just keep telling myself "20 days until i get to go home and leave this horrible place." and only a couple months until i get to leave here for the entire summer and be with people that care about me and love me. blah. i think it will really help me mentally if i get to see my sister over spring break. i haven't seen her since january 6th when i left to come back to school. i miss my best friend. it sucks being so far away.

also, i've really been missing my pups lately. i miss taking bubbzy everywhere with me...especially to the starbucks drive-thru where he shakes at the sight of strangers. i miss going to runs with him and seeing him so happy. i miss him jumping into my lap when i sit on the sofa. i even miss the hilarity of trying to hold him down to clip his nails. i miss hugging mooky when i'm having a bad day. i miss him sitting under my feet while watching tv or sleeping at the end of my bed while i fall asleep. i miss kissing his whiskers. i miss him smiling at me when i come home. i miss rubbing my kitten's belly. i miss her squinty happy eyes.

i know this seems ridiculous, but i really miss my bed, haha. it's amazingly comfortable and it's so's like sleeping on a big cloud. i miss dancing around my room in my underwear to loud music while trying to pick out an outfit for the day...well, i guess i could still do that, but it'd be extremely awkward. ugh. i could honestly think of a million things that i miss, but listing them all is not going to help me be any happier or miss them any less.

there was an amazing concert at the showbox last night, which i of course missed. i'm starting to get over the fact that i've already missed at least 5 amazing shows and continue to miss amazing shows, but it doesn't make me any less sad that i'm missing them...i guess i've just come to terms with the fact that there's nothing i can do about it. i am so serious about wanting to work in the music industry. it would be sweet to have something i love so much be my career.

i think i'm gonna go get a muffin or somethin.

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