Monday, September 24, 2007

I was totally here before you.

i had so many crazy things happen yesterday. i had lunch with brandon, and court joined us soon after. court asked me why girls wear summer dresses over long sleeve shirts, so i told him it is because it's cute. then brandon said that he doesn't understand the layering thing and why girls where like four shirts at a time. so i said, "well, i'm wearing two right now," to which he responded, "well, that's two too many. i mean....i meant...that's one too many!" to which me and court proceeded to crack up. it was hilarious.

while i was sitting in my room yesterday, rebecca and brandon were sitting on her bed. she kept saying "stop, stop" in a joking voice, and i saw that brandon had his pocket knife out. so i said (also jokingly), "are you knifing her, brandon?" and he said "no, i'm screwing her" (as he held up a large screw attached to his knife) me and rebecca DIED laughing. it was one of the funniest things that i have heard in a really long time.

i went to see minus the bear in concert last night. they were soo wonderful and i'm so glad that i went. it was, however, a very interesting night. we had a group of six people going, and a car that fit only five, an old honda civic. we ended up having four in the back, one kind of stretched across three and then two in the front. luckily the venue was literally five minutes from campus. it kind of made it more fun, actually.

the first band, ela, was actually pretty good. the only problem was that the lead singer looked just like someone, and i couldn't figure out who they looked like. it drove me crazy the entire night.

the second band, subtle, was the weirdest thing i have ever seen, seriously. there is no way to even describe the craziness. brandon called them 'sketchy', but i would call them 'on crack.' the lead singer, if you can even call it that, had a bunch of plastic forks that he threw into the audience and broke as he was singing. and they had this random painted statue thing in the middle of the stage. go look them up or something because no description can capture them.

now is the time in the concert when five or six drunk girls (most definitely under age) came pushing their way to the front, right near me, becca, brandon, and these other two guys we had been talking to a little throughout the concert. we got really annoyed because there was NO room for them at the front, but they were trying to make room. brandon had his sweatshirt on the floor and one of them was standing on it, so i said "umm, you're on my shirt." and she said "oh......sorrry.... take it.........i'm not on it any more......". so i took it. so then this one girl came and pushed her way to the front directly in front of me, so i started pushing back. it ended up being a pushing war between the drunk girls and us. then she thought it would be funny to step on my foot, so i kicked her (okay...that sounds really violent...i really just pushed her foot off of mine with my other foot). since i was pushing so much trying to keep my spot, she turned to me and said "okay.....okay......i was totally here before you." and so i said "no, you weren't. i was definitely here before you." and this other guy that was next to her (who was also really annoyed) totally backed me up. obviously, since she was drunk, she actually thought she had been there before me, so there was no arguing with her.

so we ended up tolerating the drunk girls once minus the bear came on because we wanted to enjoy the concert. only it was very hard because they were jumping around trying to mosh when NO ONE else was jumping but them. one girl kept running into me, so i literally pushed her in the back to get her to stop jumping on me and stepping on my toes. eventually some other guy got between me and the drunk girls, so i didn't have to deal with them any more. about half way through minus the bear's set, some security guard came barging through the crowds and forced one of the girls out. i'm pretty sure she was completely thrown out. brandon and a couple other people started clapping. then he came back a few minutes later and got the girl who had been jumping and running into me. it made me really happy.

after the security guard came for the two girls, the rest of them left, and i proceeded to enjoy the concert.

for all the crappy stuff with the drunk girls happening, it was a surprisingly fun concert. not to mention the music was (mostly...) amazing. and it was a really packed house. it could be because it was the first time i went to a concert with a bigger group of people.

i have to go do my homework before i have class at 2.

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