Friday, September 21, 2007

Precursor to the bad things to come.

i woke up late this morning. class started at 9:20, so i usually leave at 9:10, and i shot straight up in bed at 9:04. ugh. for some reason, my mind tricked me into thinking i had an hour until class started. i literally jumped off of my bed, which is the first time i have done that since i've been here. it's so high that i'm afraid to, but all of that fear had subsided when i realized i had six minutes to get ready and leave. it made a huge booming noise on the floor. i hope i didn't wake the boys below me.

i hate starting the day like that. it just seems like a precursor to the bad things that are going to come.

Minus The Bear is playing in spokane on sunday. i might go...but i don't really want to spend twelve dollars on a band that i'm not dying to see. if it was one of my bands from back home, i would spend twice that much.

tomorrow i plan to sleep until i wake up. no alarm. i haven't been able to do that in about three weeks. i can't wait. hopefully my body doens't try to wake up before noon. i will get very angry.
i plan to have a super relaxing weekend. there is a football game on saturday, but i don't really want to go.

i'm listening to Lovedrug right now. so amazingly wonderful, and it makes me think of the Crocodile Cafe, where me and rebecca saw barcelona for the first time almost three years ago. wow. that was a really long time ago.

i have this book on the shelf above my desk called "the book of bunny suicides - little fluffy rabbits who just don't want to live any more" morbid, i know. but it brings a smile to my face. is that weird?

my plant is dying. i forget to water it...not to mention that it has been pushed off it's shelf twice by the blinds that swing open violently each day. we've finally moved it's home to a separate part of the shelf, but so much dirt has fallen out, and i haven't watered it since i moved in. oops. plus, it's not in a pot that won't leak water every where if i were to give it what it needs.

my thumb has been sore the last couple of days. it started after i painted for two and a half hours straight, then took intense notes for an hour the next day. it makes this popping sound/feeling when i bend it. but only sometimes. then randomly i will get these intense cramping pains that go away after a minute or so. it's really not a good situation, but the doctor told me it would still be sore off and on for six months.

my package came in the mail today. now i finally have a robe to take to the shower. that will be much more convenient, and warm. the showers are never hot...if anything they get to be luke warm. it's unbearable. i also recieved my advisory quote book that heather made for me. it makes me happy and sad at the same time.

We watched this movie called "the gospel of John" in my gospel of john class today. guess who played the part of Jesus? desmonde, from lost. this basically made my day.

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