Sunday, September 30, 2007

my best friend, a.k.a. my i-pod.

i went to church yesterday morning. it was really bad. it's nothing like what i am used to, and the presbyterian service just seemed so robotic to me. it really made me miss generation church. i especially miss the amazing, powerful worship and the best preaching in the world. it makes me sad that the only church that i really have access to right now is the one on campus, which is not really going to work for me.

i can't wait to go home at the end of the month. it's crazy to think that i am already over a quarter of the way through my first semester. i'm done with four weeks and there are about nine left. it's really crazy but i am so ready for a break. i can't wait to go sleep in my amazingly comfortable, large bed at home with my snuggly little kitten sleeping next to me. i can't wait to see tullamook's face when he sees me again, and i can't wait to hear bubba's snorting when he get's excited. i can't wait to be with family and have some wonderful, homecooked meals. i can't wait to have a hot shower for once!

who knew how much i would take having a hot shower for granted at home, but now i will most definitely appreciate it, since i don't have it now. i literally haven't had a hot shower since i have been here. if anything, they get to be luke warm, or give you spurts of hot water that last about two seconds and come every thirty seconds or so. i've tried going upstairs to use their showers, but they weren't that much better. i can't wait to go home and blast my music as loud as i want to and jump and dance around my room.

i only got about five or six hours of sleep last night, which is most definitely not enough. during gospel of john today, i could barely stay awake. i literally have NO idea what my professor was talking about because i was in and out of sleep the entire time. i kind of feel bad but her class is such a joke. i let myself take a half hour nap earlier, which helped, but i'm still really tired. i'm always tired, no matter how much sleep i get. i hate it. being tired is probably one of my least favorite feelings ever.

i have so much work i should and could be doing right now but i really don't want to do it. the amount of reading i am getting assigned is borderline insane. i can't wait until next semester. at least now i have a small idea of the work load for different classes so now i can try and balance it a little better so i'm not constantly swamped with work.

i have to read almost all of the book of luke, and eighteen chapters of acts by thursday, when i will be quizzed on it. and that is just for one class.

i miss my friends. i miss being around people who really know who i am, who understand and appreciate me and what i say. not that everyone here doesn't like me, just a select few. i have met a lot of people that i connect with and enjoy their company. i've been meeting a lot of people and hanging out with a lot of them, which has been fun. i just miss the comforts of people that
already know a lot about me.

you know what makes me really happy? music. if i feel down, i can just sit on my bed with my best friend (a.k.a. my i-pod) and just sink into a whole different world. and facebook... facebook makes me happy too. and my book of bunny suicides.

i'm pretty sure my plant is completely dead now. oops. oh, and did i mention i think i am going to die my hair? what color, you ask? maybe you will find out tomorrow.

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