Wednesday, October 3, 2007

hello, my name is maddie. it's been 34 days since my last drink

i ate dinner with an old friend last night. that was really good for me to do. i find myself getting sad a lot because of all of the reminders of home that i have surrounding me. around my desk i have picture of my puppy and my kitten, pretty much all of my friends, two mugs that were gifts from people i love, and of course my large array of band stickers. i'm not really home sick, i just miss things and people that are back in seattle.

i'm not going to lie, i really miss starbucks. it's been over a month without it. i didn't know i could go that long. the coffee they make in our on campus coffee shop is usually bad, but once in a while it will be good. i had a peppermint mocha the other day that almost made me sick it was so gross. i've just been spoiled going to high school where there are two starbucks within a half mile, and one practically on my campus. it was almost ridiculous, and just fed my addiction. it's like i'm going to SAA (starbucks addicts anonymous). "hello, my name is maddie. it's been 34 days since my last drink."

i can't believe it is already october. where did september go? i feel like i wasn't really living any of it. it was as if i was doing everything without knowing it. i feel like all i did for a whole month was read like a mad woman. studying has taken over my life (and rightly so, considering this is college) but i feel like i never have a moment to just breathe and relax. not to mention i am always tired, even when i get eight or more hours of sleep.

i am going to die my hair this weekend. i haven't really decided if i am going to do a dark brown or black. considering i have never dyed my hair before, i am hesitant to go completely black. i figure, if i start with a brown, i could always go darker.

i miss being able to go for runs with bubba. i don't really want to run here because there are always a ton of people around. i miss watching bubba run next to me and look up at me with his tongue hanging out. i miss watching him sleep when we get home.

i didn't realize before coming here how much music is a part of my life. i haven't been to a show in over a month. i think the reason i'm freaking out about it so much is because there aren't any available. during the last year, there were times when i didn't go to shows for a month, but i knew there would always be one when i did need to go to one. here, they are scarce and aren't the seattle natives that i love. i had no idea how much happiness it brings to my life. it's one of those things that just refreshes me and helps me get through the weeks...especially when i have one to look forward to. over the last few years i have started to go to way more local shows, and now that i can't, it's really hard for me.

my core class today was really super boring. rebecca fell asleep next to me, and patrick fell asleep next to her. rebecca had her head back, patrick had his head forward and the girl in front of me was asleep to the was really funny. i really don't like that class. it's nothing like what i thought it would be, and it's a ridiculous amount of work.

we are having a little sammamish reunion tonight at didiers, the best frozen yogurt in the world. i'm really excited. oh geez, i miss home!

i need to go do homework before class. i love how i leave my gospel of john homework until an hour before class. that's a good habit...take note.

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