Monday, October 8, 2007

i did a straight up face plant.

yesterday was not a good day for me.

me and rebecca were walking out of our dorm at about 9:30 to head to the coffee shop to rejuvenate ourselves with caffeinated beverages so we could read for a while. this guy kyle was talking to us as we were walking out the door so i was kind of looking back and wasn't watching were i was going. the second the door closed behind me, i caught my foot on the rug outside that had been flipped up to keep the door open. i did a straight up face plant. i landed and skidded on both of my hands. my headband flew off my head, and i hit my knee really hard on the pavement. of course i stood up almost immediately so no one would see, and luckily there wasn't really anyone around. me and rebecca started cracking up, because it was actually quite humorous. once we had gone up the five or so steps to get to the pathway, i looked down to see if i had skinned my knee, only to discover that i had ripped a hole in the knee of my favorite pair of jeans (which were also my very first pair of skinny jeans, which hold great meaning for me...haha). i literally screamed out "i ripped my favorite pair of jeans!" at the top of my lungs. people would probably think i was crazy if they heard me, but i doubt anyone heard me. i was so angry.

then today, i went to finish the rest of my squirrel painting for my painting 1 class. i got paint all over me, but i thought that i had escaped getting it on my clothes, until i got to the hub where brandon asks "did you get paint on your shirt?" and so i look down to find yellow/white paint on the front of one of my favorite new shirts. i was so annoyed. i am going to try to use tide to go to get it out, but i don't know if that will work.

i have a ridiculous amount of reading to do right now. i feel like there is no way that i will get it all done. for my gospel of john midterm, we have to define like 15 greek terms, most of which we haven't even learned, and we have to describe in great detail the seven signs of jesus, which we haven't even gone into much detail about. ugh. it's so frustrating.

college sucks. okay, that's a lie, college is amazing, but the work is so different and so much harder than high school. i am going to miss the best concert of my life being here. (i may have already talked about this in a previous blog, so forgive me). the classic crime, tysen, and moneta ALL acoustic. they are even sectioning off the showbox to make it more intimate. i can't believe i am going to miss it. i cannot believe it.

as much as i do like college, i really, really miss seattle. so much that i have decided to make a painting of seattle for my dorm room. i really am a seattlite at heart. i miss it horribly. and, i'm not going to lie, i most definitely miss the rain. i am sooo sick of the freaking cold weather. it's already like 40 degrees almost all of the time, which sucks. i don't have enough cold weather clothes for this. blah. i really don't like spokane very much. it's just not home.

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