Saturday, October 6, 2007

i work at target. we better get that cart back!

yesterday was a pretty good day.

me and rebecca and brandon took the bus to northpoint shopping center to get some groceries and hair dye. Of course (even though i said it was a bad idea) we went to safeway first. we ended up getting way too many groceries...definitely not an amount that would be easy to take on a bus. Then we walked the quarter mile to target with the safeway cart. upon arriving at target, we transferred our safeway bags into the target cart. we saw court when we were going into the target. that was fun. after we got everything we needed at target, we had to walk the quarter mile back to the bus stop. at which point we decided that either we would have to take the cart on the bus or walk back to school with the cart. we decided on the latter. i don't really know how long of a walk it was. it was kinda long but was over quickly. while we were waiting to cross the street at hawthorne and division, we heard so guy saying "hey, hey!" really loudly so we turned around to see this guy sitting in his truck in the parking lot behind us. he said "i work at target. we better get that cart back!" so we assured him that we would take it back later, knowing very well that we wouldn't.

once we got back to campus we took our cart up to me and becca's room to unload our groceries. brandon took the cart back to his dorm because we had no use for it.

then it was time to dye my hair. i was really nervous but also really excited. i had never done it before, so i wasn't really sure how to do was kinda a learning experience. i don't think i left it on long enough though because it's not as dark as i was hoping it would be. i know that it is darker, but i can barely tell a difference when i look at my hair. it's kinda disappointing to go through all of that and have it not be as dark as i wanted. oh well, i guess i will just have to dye it again in a month or so.

brandon and rebecca went on a date last night, so i stayed in my room, got in my sweats and watched pride and prejudice, one of the greatest movies ever. it was really nice to just get comfortable and relax. then they came back and we watched an episode of lost, which was fun.

i didn't go to ballroom dancing club last night. that was dumb of me. oh well.

i am angry. we found out that the milk we bought yesterday is leaking, which means no cereal. i was really looking forward to having cereal this morning. ugh.

i should go do some reading for my c.s. lewis class. i to read pretty much an entire book by tomorrow at 4. oops.

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